Chapter One

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EARTH 1988

Stepping outside into the warm summer night, a young girl lies across the bench on her front porch. She plops her backpack on the ground beneath her and fishes around for the thing her little, innocent heart cherishes most in this world. The object she stumbles upon happens to be a walkman: a small gray device that means the world to her.

The girl immediately puts her earbuds in and presses play. An unfamiliar song fills her ears and she glances down at the walkman. It's a new tape. Her parents make her these tapes regularly and they fill them with songs they believe their daughter would appreciate, which she always does. The first couple of tapes consist of their favorite songs from the '70s and volumes three, four, and now five have the current '80s songs the whole family loves to hear on the radio. The young girl would be lost without her walkman. It gives her the ability to bring the magic of music with her wherever she goes, no matter how far from home she might be.

The girl turns her attention up to the sky, hoping to see the stars she so gratefully admires. She spends most nights sitting in her yard or gawking outside her window at the sky above her. She always dreamed of having a life up in space. What is it like out there? Is it as breathtaking as everyone says? What kind of people or beings live out there? However, tonight the sky appears to be weird or misshapen somehow. There are dark blue and green clouds that spiral together to create a hole in the atmosphere. The wind picks up and she struggles to stand. She desperately wants to grab her backpack and run back inside, but for some reason, she can't pull her eyes away.

An object that seems to be a spaceship descends down towards her house and hovers over her front yard, almost as if it is calling her. Reluctantly, the girl pauses the song playing and carefully places her walkman into her bag, tugging the straps over her shoulders. She takes slow steps toward the ship and jumps back abruptly as a beam of light appears before her. It's dangerous and intriguing. She cautiously walks up to the light and stares upwards, yet she is unable to see a thing. Suddenly, her feet lift from the grass and she scrambles in the air, unable to come in contact with the ground below. She descends upward and fights against whatever force is pulling her, but it's no use. She is completely and utterly helpless against whatever is taking her. The light had pulled her, dragging her from the grass in her front yard, from her home, and from Earth.

The next morning the girl wakes up in an unfamiliar bed in an unknown world. She sits up slowly and takes in her surroundings. There are no windows in the dark, cold room and all that appears to be in there is the bed she was asleep on only moments ago. She gets up hesitantly and ducks outside of the room, grazing her fingertips along the cool, metal walls as she trudges down the long hallway.

In the common area of the ship, she spots a large, purple man. Her mind immediately wonders what's wrong with him or if he is an alien of some kind. He sits upon a throne, and to his right is a young girl who is blue and looks part robot. To his left is another young girl, who looks almost human except with dark, green skin. Both girls look around the girl's age and she begins to feel more comfortable. She clears her throat and steps into the light, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"Well, if it isn't our little Terran," booms the big, purple alien-man.

The girl shakes nervously. "What am I doing here? What is this place?"

"You're on my spaceship, and you are here so I can train you," the man says. The two girls beside him give her looks of fear, which makes her feel uneasy.

"W-what am I training for?"

He gets up from his throne and heads over to the girl. "My daughters Nebula and Gamora are trained to be weapons. Their training is still in progress, as they both could use some more work. I've never trained a Terran before, and once I heard of the ravager, Yondu, who had recently abducted a child from Terra, I knew I needed to have one working for me." He takes a step forward. "So, little one, I will train you to become a flawless killer. You will assist me until we make sure the universe finds a perfect balance." She shudders at his words. The man doesn't seem like he wants to hurt her, but he is petrifying and wants her to hurt others. She is only a child who has no desire to harm anyone, yet she could be tough, strong, and she could make a plan to play along with his little game until she is able to escape.

The girl plasters on the fakest smile she can muster and stands up straight, nodding with his statement. She hopes he can't see the fear in her eyes. He takes a step forward, his gargantuan figure looming over her. "I'm glad to have you on our side, little one. My name is Thanos."

That girl was you.

That girl was you twenty-six years ago.

That girl was you experiencing your last moments on Earth before you were taken into space forever.

You had a new father, a new leader, a new home, and a new family. It felt empty and alone, but it was how you were raised. You can never go back and change that. There is no possible way to travel back to that warm, summer night and avoid stepping into the light that descended down into the front yard of your real home. That life is over. It's all over.

Now, you're sitting in your spaceship running from reality as you chase down something that will change your life for the better. When you arrive at your destination, you take a deep breath and open the doors to your ship. You're ready to begin your mission and travel across the galaxy.

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