Night Owls

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Katanya opened up the ship feeds.

Lazily, xhe made xerself busy watching all of the stats the ship spat at xer.

Within 10 minutes xhe was already bored out of xer mind.

Xhe had been more patient than this at some point. But, well, xhe had spent quite a lot of time time around human Amani who could not seem to stand still. Curiosity peaked within xer as xhe thought of all the strange things humans were rumored to do when asleep.

Xhe brought up the logs for human Amani's room (as the human said, what she didn't know wouldn't harm her) prepared to laugh as xer human companion did odd things in her unawarness.

What xhe was not expecting was for human Amani to still be working on a small object in her quarters. Keeping an eye on the ships statuses, Katanya's whiskers quivered in disbelief as xhe watched xer human companion work dutifully through the night.

Never once did she settle down to sleep.

Xhe confronted her about it the next day after xhe was dismissed from observation duty.

"Human Amani?" Xhe spoke up.

"Mm? Hey, you don't have to call me 'human.' I'm not calling you 'Kaiytis.'" The girl pointed out.

"Human Amani." Katanya repeated ignoring her sigh of exasperation. "Are you in danger of being reassigned?"

"Huh?" Xer friend inquired in confusion.

"I saw that you continued to work past required hours. Humans are required to have 6 hours of sleep yes?"

"Ten actually," Amani corrected xer. "Although, eight is considered healthy as well. Why?"

"Why did you work past required hours?" Katanya demanded. "Are you attempting to impress a superior?"

Amani laughed.

"No, I'm just an insomniac." She reassured.

Katanya tilted xer head and xhe felt xer ear falling flat and the other stand straight up. Humans had been known in the past to instinctively connect this with confusion because their 'pets' did something similar

"I don't know all the mechanics behind it," Amani admitted. "Never researched it. Personally, I don't get tired before 3am and if there is something I want to do, I feel more awake."

"So you do not need the eight hours?" Katanya inquired.

"No, I do." Amani confirmed. "I just either don't get them or I get them in the form of power naps throughout the day."

Katanya stared blankly before pulling xer Data Pad. Xhe searched and found the Human Guide and went to 'sleep.' Xhe skipped straight to the side effects of not sleeping for a human.

"...human Amani, this says you suffer productivity issue, sluggishness, lower quality of life and your mental health becomes destabilized."

Amani blinked.

"Really?" She said with intrigue. "I never used to listen to those health lectures on sleep. The more you know I guess."

Katanya reached out and grabbed xer human's hand with her paw. Xhe used xer currently superior strength and dragged her back to her room. Xhe opened the door to the human's quarters and shoved her on her bed.

"Go to sleep human Amani."

"...but, Katanya-"


"...goodnight Katanya."

"Goodnight my silly human."

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