Chapter 1

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"Sparklekit! Sparklekit! Get up!" Silverkit shouted into her ear. "Leave me alone." Sparklekit grunted back. She heard Silverkit snort. Her mother ,Spottedfur, touched her with her nose, "Go play with your sister" She said calmly. Sparklekit did a little sigh and got up. Silverkit raced to the center of camp with Sparklekit at her heels. Silverkit went to the fresh kill pile sniffing. Sparklekit went to sniff out a den. 'I wonder what's in here!' She thought excitedly. She crawled silently into the den and saw Crazystar talking with Shadecloud, "Which kits are in the prophesy!?" Crazystar demanded "I don't know Crazystar but we will find out soon" Shadecloud replied calmly. Sparklekit got out with the same silence as she got in with 'Whats a prophesy?' She wondered. When Silverkit bumped into her while she was thinking it made her jump. Silverkit started to laugh "Sorry Sparklekit didn't mean to make you fly!" Sparklekit glared at her and marched back to the nursery for the night. When she went in the nursery she found it deserted and in ruins, the top fell in and there was the sent of blood. When she blinked it was gone. 'What was that' she wondered. "Sparklekit why are you just standing there?" Spottedfur asked "Umm" She got pushed over by Silverkit "Move mousebrain" Silverkit muttered "Mousebrain yourself" she muttered back. Sparklekit curled up in the warmth of her mother and fell asleep. As soon as she closed her eyes she opened them. 'Am I already awake' she wondered. She saw Spottedfur curled up away from Silverkit and Sparklekit she tried to wake Silverkit but when she touched her nose to Silverkit she turned to dust. "Silverkit! Where did you go!" She ran to Spottedfur and tried to nudge her but she also turned to dust."Spottedfur! Silverkit! Where did you go! What happened?" The wind picked up and the dust turned into fighting cats going for the throat but missing. Then it turned into a single cat with gray fur his teeth bared, ears back and blood stained. He walked closer and Sparklekit turned and fled. Then she woke up. She got up without waking any one and went to the camp and found in ruins there was a tree in the middle of the camp. She blinked twice then it was back to normal. Then she was swept off her feet by her scruff by Spottedfur. "Hey!" She yelled, cats looked. She was set down and saw her mother her eyes were red and her teeth were bared then her eyes went back to green and even though she looked puzzled her paws carried her back to the nursery. Cats looked in shock their eyes wide. Sparklekit was scared and her father Flamepelt came to comfort her "No!" She screamed "You might be possessed to!" She ran to the fresh kill pile then everything blacked out.

Note. Sorry for not making the story!

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