"Look, I know how this sounds. The existence of another earth, you, another Flash, it all came as an unexpected shock to me, too," Jay says. "I just wish there was something I could do to convince you."

"There is," Barry says. "We're gonna... do some tests on you. See if you're telling us the truth. 'Cause if you're not, this Zoom, he's not gonna be your only enemy."


I watch Jay and Caitlin talking in her med lab. "I don't trust him," I whisper to Barry and he nods.

"Is any of this possible? A breach to another earth? It's not, right?" Iris asks.

"The contrary. Just recently, the many-different-worlds theory proposed interaction with parallel universes was plausible," Stein says. "Now, if what Mr. Garrick's saying is true, that theory's been proven sooner than we all thought."

"It doesn't add up," Barry says.

"I'm gonna be honest here, I don't understand what the hell any of you are talking about," Joe says.

"So, Jay is saying he's from, like, a mirror-world. Or a parallel universe that's very, very similar to ours," Cisco explains.

"A multiverse," I say, making the boys turn their heads to me.

"Yes, That would be a more apt description," Stein agrees.

"No, not helping," Joe says.

"Bless your heart," Cisco says.

"Okay, let's see if this helps," Stein says going over to a dry-erase board. He draws a circle. "This is our earth. Let's call it Earth-1." He then draws another circle. "And this second Earth, let's call it Earth-2. This is where Jay claims to be from."

He then draws more circles. "And these other earths, three, four, five, to infinity, all of them, are nearly identical to ours. And they all exist at the same time, giving us endless alternatives to what we have here. For example, the Joe West on Earth-2, your doppelganger, he might not be a detective. He could be a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. And you, the Barry Allen here is The Flash, but over there, he could be an electrician."

"So, I'm assuming that the people on all these other earths work to make money to pay bills and such," Joe says.

"I would imagine," Stein replies.

"So we got that in common," Joe says, making us smile. "I'm heading back to the station. Call me when this makes a little bit more sense. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole idea of time travel."

"There is, uh, one problem that remains. If Mr. Garrick is telling the truth, there is a breach somewhere in Central City that we need to find and close for good," Stein says.

"Yeah, but how do we find it? We don't even know what to look for," I say.

"Well, I... I suggest we put our heads together and come up with a solution," Stein says. "Not literally, of course. Those days are over." Him and Cisco walk out of the Cortex as Cait walks up to me, Barry and Iris.

"What'd you find?" Barry asks.

"Well, Jay's heart rate is extraordinarily low. . And he does have regenerative capabilities," Cait says. "Other than that, I'm not seeing any evidence of the Speed Force in his system."

"We don't even have proof that he's a speedster, much less from another earth?" Barry asks.

"Not necessarily," Cait says.

"What does that mean?" Iris asks.

"Well, Jay doesn't know this, but while I was testing his heart rate, blood pressure, and motor responses, I also measured his autonomic reactions while we were talking," Cait says.

"You gave him a lie detector test?" I ask with a small smile.

"And he passed it," She answers.

"What if he's not a good guy, and he just wants to find our weaknesses?" Barry asks. "Keep running tests. See what else you can find out"

Cait nods and then starts to head to Jay but stops and turns to me. "Liv, what happened?" She asks, moving my hair aside and touching the love-bite on my collarbone.

My eyes widen as I glance over at Barry to see him failing to hide a smile. "I- um- I was training and I accidentally hit my bastion on my neck. I'm fine though. It doesn't even hurt," I lie.

"Are you sure you don't want me to-"

"No!" I cut her off. "I'm fine. You go focus on Garrick over there." She sighs and walks away as Barry walks over to me.

"Hit your baston on your neck?Your getting clumsy, Miss Wells," He says.

"Ha-ha-ha," I say, sarcastically. "I was trained to lie about whether I was about to go kill someone. Not about relationships.... Don't worry. I'll get you back soon enough."

He smirks walking a step closer to me, hooking his pinky into mine. "Oh really? I'd like to see you try," He says. He about to lean down but I stop him.

"Iris is still here," I say, making him turn to look at Iris who is at a computer searching something. She could look up and find everything out.

"We're fine," He says, before giving me a small kiss. Before it can go anywhere, I pull away and smile at him. I then quickly walk out of the Cortex.

 I then quickly walk out of the Cortex

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