"Hey" I told her

"Miss Can you help me on the swing" she asked

I nodded my head

"Come on" I said

I picked her up and sat her on the swing

"Thank you" she said

"Umm, who are you here with" I asked her

"My brother Zee, he over there playing basketball" she said pointing at the group of boys that Tj with

Zee that name sound familiar but I can't remember who it was

"Oh okay, what your name" I asked while walking back over to Nyny and started pushing her

"Kamryn, but you can call me Kam" she said smiling

"Well my name is La'Nya but you can call me Nya, and this is my daughter Ny'Airah but you can call her Nyny" I said pointing at Nyny

Ny'Airah looked then wave, Kam waved back

"Do you wanna play on the slide" Kamryn asked Nyny

Nyny looked at me and I nodded my head 'yea'. They both got up off the swing and ran over to the slides. I walked over to a bench and sat down

I put my head down and rested my eyes. Not even a second I heard somebody crying I look up and it was Tj he was on the ground holding his leg, and the group of boys was trying to see what was wrong

"Damn it, I can't never rest without something going wrong" I mumbled

I got up and walked over there

"Tj, what happened" I asked as I picked him up off the ground

"He crossed me over then I fell" he said mugging at a light skin boy

I started smirking trying my best not to laugh

"Bro, Nya that's not funny, It hurt" he said mugging me

"Shake it off, you okay" I told him

I looked over at the boys then back at Tj and started busting out laughing

"Man Fuck you La'Nya" Tj said while sticking the middle finger at me then took the ball from the light skin dude

"So you not mad" he asked

I shook my head 'no'

"His ass wanted to play with older people so that is what he get" I said looking over at Tj that was still pouting while dribbling the ball

He nodded his head

"But ain't that your son" a boy with hazel eyes ask

I shook my head 'no'

"He my little brother" I said

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