
As I opened the door to my house, my mom, still in her work clothes greeted me with a warm hug. "Asher, you did really well in the English assignment" she said patting my back as I thought of what she was talking about. "Which one?" I asked dumbfounded.

"The one who's result was declared today Mr. forget all... but Cason" Ivara said standing behind my mom, the last part only mouthing to me. I didn't really know what blushing meant in action but now I did as Cason's name made me feel all giddy on the inside and my face turned a 50 shades of red. I gave Ivara a glare as she gave me an annoying smirk.

"And to celebrate that you've stood first in you're batch along with Faith and Sam, I made a fillet mignon with asparagus shoots and dried salmon fry." Ok to say that my mom really liked cooking was a shame, she loved it at a masterchef level and she cooked various variety of foods which was a blessing. All the food, especially the fish made my mouth water as I realised that I hadn't touched food since past 5 hours. As if on cue, my stomach gave a little growl and so did Ivara's. My mother chuckled at this.

Ivara and I had met when I had changed school two years ago. In the beginning we were mere acquaintances and I made a few 'fake' Friends then. I only did realise that as my first year passed and in that time she and I grew closer. Faith was her friend and Doris mine, so we began to hang out and Viola! We became the gang we are today.

Ivara was here today cause I had told her about my meeting with Cason and she, with her newfound girly side, was behaving accordingly, i.e. she was here for the details.

Dad was already at the dinner table as we took our seats. Since our friendship grew, Ivara and I would many a times hang out at each other's places so our families had grown to the fact of having a extra meal ready incase either of us were at the latter's house.

Dad and I exchanged a few pleasantries, after which the table conversation was mostly based upon the career plan Ivara wanted to pursue. I'd like to join it, but firstly, I didn't know much about the topic and secondly I was busy enjoying my salmon. Ivara who too was a fan of fish, I couldn't say the same for her that she had peace with her dinner for she wasn't able to concentrate much on the salmon as my dad discussed her career. Poor her...


After dinner, around eight pm we retired to my room. I told Ivara about our meet minus the tingling sensations I had gone through, while Ivara somehow resembled to a crazy fan girl as my description progressed.

I'd forgotten to charge my phone after I got home so I had put it to charging. As I switched it on, not even a minute had passed and I had received 59 messages and 8 missed calls. All from Cason.

I called him no sooner did I see his name, various horrible thoughts of his and his family's safety going through my head, also of Josephine's. He picked up in one ring

"Hello, what's wrong? Are you alright? Are you're parents fine? Is it Josephine? Is she alright?" I blabbered as Ivara watched me with a pout on her face, trying to process what was happening.

"Asher stop." Cason replied in a cool tone, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I saw you're calls and texts. What's wrong?" I said barely keeping the panic in my voice unnoticeable.

"Everything is alright. I am fine, my family is well and so is Josephine..."

"Then why did you call so many times and Dude I have 59 messages from you!!"

"Did you read em?"

"No....Sorry I'll read them first. Wait"

Before I'd hang up, Ivara smacked me on my head; and mouthed a 'stop blundering!' I'm actually grateful to her to do that.

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