Chapter 37

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Waking up next to her was everything I ever wanted. First thing in the morning I saw when I opened my eyes, was her beautiful face. It seemed like an angel was sleeping next to me. I removed a strand of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. I lightly touched her cheek, brushing it with my fingers. Then I gave a soft peck on her lips. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Rise and shine, mon ange." I whispered.

She smiled widely, then stared at me for a second.

"Why are you here?" She asked giving me a judging look.

"What? I was sleeping next to you." I told her.

"What?! Why did you sleep in my room?" She asked trying to get up but was stuck.

"I'm not in your room, we are on the couch in my TV lounge." I told her.

"What? Why?" She asked trying to remember it all.

"Don't you remember anything? We were watching a movie last night and you fell asleep on the couch, so I slept with you just to make sure you don't fall during your sleep." I told her.

"Oh yes! I remember it now. Sorry, Good morning." She smiled at me and I pinched her cheek.

"Good morning. You go get ready for school, I'll make breakfast for you." I said getting up.

"No, we'll make breakfast together." She said getting up too.

"Okay." I said and we both we into our rooms to get ready for school.

We made pancakes and coffee for breakfast, together. Then we drove to school in my car. The whole school was dripping with Halloween decorations, fake cob webs, black flowers, spooky serial lights. Inside, the banners for Halloween party hung on every wall and everyone was discussing about what to wear for the costume competition. 

Then it hit me, that I have not decided what to wear for the party, yet. I have not even decided on how to surprise Elise on her birthday.  During break time, all of our friends were discussing on what to wear for Halloween.

"Well, I'll wear an astronaut's costume." Zayn said.

"Wow, that's amazing." Elise complimented.

"I'll be a vampire." Niall told everyone.

"So cool." She said.

"I'll be wearing a batman costume." Liam said.

"I'll be a wolf." Louis exclaimed.

"What about the girls?" Liam asked.

"Well, I'll be an ouija board." Daisy told everyone.

"I thought of it but it's okay, I'll think of something else." Elise said.

"I'll become Cleopatra." Summer said.

"You guys have such cool ideas." I said.

"What are you two going to wear?" Louis asked.

"Well, I haven't decided it yet." Elise replied.

"Me neither." I added.

"Are you guys going to wear like different costumes?" Summer asked.

"Duh." Elise said.

"Don't tell me you guys are not going to wear matching or couples' costumes." Daisy said.

"Sorry? What's that?" I asked.

"You guys are together. You have to wear matching costumes for Halloween It's so fun." Daisy told us.

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