Chapter 03

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Today, I saw a glimpse of her at school, but as soon as my eyes fell on her, she mingled in the crowd and disappeared. I thought I was hallucinating. Sadly, I could not follow after her because my friends were in the middle of discussing something really important.

After school, we stayed for our football practise. Today, I felt really energetic as if seeing a glimpse of her filled my whole body with energy. The practise went really good and as it finished I suddenly felt the need to take in some caffeine in my body. 

I went home and got fresh. It was 3:30 PM. Usually, I saw her at the cafe after school. I thought she must be gone by now but to my surprise when I entered the shop she was there sitting in her usual place typing furiously in her laptop. Was she a regular customer? She might be.

I took my place in the same booth in which I used to sit and stalk her. Sometimes, I felt like a creep and thought if she ever noticed me coming here everyday, sitting in the same booth and caught me staring at her she would directly report to the police about me. 

Just then the annoying barista appeared, but this time she did not take my order, instead, she walked over to her with a white cloth in her hand and whispered something in her ear. She looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Now? But I still have a few minutes left." She spoke in a voice so soft it felt like as if I was sitting on the clouds.

"Please?" The barista pleaded. 

She took one look at her laptop's screen and then back at her. 

"Okay." She sighed. 

"Oh thank you, you are so sweet." The barista girl jumped with excitement and handed her the white cloth.

She took it from her, closed her laptop shut and took off her glasses. She then pulled her hair up in a bun, a few strands of hair fell in front of her face but she did not care. Standing up, she unfolded the white cloth. It was apron. She tied it around her waist, grabbed her stuff and walked towards the counter. Wait, she worked here? 

I stood up from my seat and slowly walked towards the counter, my heart beating loudly in my chest. Just then, a boy entered the shop and stood in front of the counter. He looked somewhere around 6 or 7, light brown hair and blue eyes. 

I stood behind him in the line, well it was just the two of us.

"Hey there little fellow. What can I get for you?" She asked politely from the kid. 

"I would like to have a strawberry frappe with strawberry sauce on top." The boy replied.

She turned towards the other woman behind her who handed her the plastic cup. She then turned towards the frappe machine and poured his frappe in the cup, dropped in some ice and squeezed the bottle of strawberry syrup at the top. Meanwhile, the boy asked her.

"Are you single?" 

She smiled at the boy and said "Yeah, why would you ask?" 

"Oh great, I'm single too." The boy replied trying to act cool. 

"Oh." She said.

"Well, you could... uh... maybe hangout with me sometimes?" The boy asked mimicking a cool voice.

Damn, check this kid's confidence level.

She gave out a soft chuckle.

"Am I not too old for you?" She asked.

"Well, you are really beautiful, so I don't care." The boy replied.

This little kid who should be at his house watching Teletubbies and drinking his hot chocolate, is standing right in front of me flirting with a girl who is almost ten years older than him.

She blushed a deep shade of crimson and replied "Well, thank you. You are really sweet but I don't need a boyfriend right now." 

"Well, I can wait for you. Whenever you need one, call me." The little boy winked at her and she laughed softly. 

"What's your name?" She asked covering his frappe drink with a lid, inserting a straw and grabbing a sharpie to write his name on his cup.

"Whatever you would like to call me." He replied.

"How about 'My little brother'?" She smiled.

Her smile was different and beautiful. 

"Heeeyyyy, noooo." The boy whined.

"Just kidding. What's your name?" She asked again.

"Johnny." He replied and she wrote it down.

 She handed his drink over to him while he handed her the bill.

"Have a nice day Johnny." She smiled politely and the boy left.

It was my turn now. For a moment I forgot everything when she looked right into my eyes and asked "What can I get for you sir?" 

"Uh... yeah, can I have a vanilla latte with a shot of that caramel cream." I said the first thing that my mind could process.

"Sure." She smiled and turned away from the counter.

I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I wanted to ask her if we go to the same school or what was her name? I wanted to ask her so many questions but none of them came out. 

"Your name?" She said returning with my cup in one hand a sharpie in an other. 

I stared at her face and my mind went blank. Well, it was not totally blank as my mind took in the features on her face; The tiny mole on her left cheek; A tiny, faded scar on the tip of her nose which was only visible if light fell on it in a certain angle; Her thin and light eyebrows which suited her face; The dark circles under her chocolate brown eyes, which were not caused by lack of sleep, but because of the shape of her eyes which were a little deep in the sockets; Her long lashes which brushed the skin of her cheeks when she looked down; Her soft, rosy cheeks; Her clear and glowy skin which had a tinge of golden in it; Her natural plump pink lips.

Her face was not flawless, it was full of insecurities, but her features were attractive and had certain type of sheer innocence which I found, for some reason, really pure and beautiful.

"Excuse me, sir?" As soon as her voice entered my ears I was pulled out of my mind and into that cafe again. 

"Your name?" She repeated.

I must have been looking like a fool standing there staring at her face. Or a creep. Oh God, how long have I been standing there?

"Uh... it's Harry." I replied and she wrote it down.

I pulled out the bill and handed it to her. Our fingers brushed and I felt something ran through me like energy. For a moment I felt the tips of my fingers buzzing, but it was just my imagination. 

I grabbed my cup and turned away walking towards the glass door. My steps came to a halt when I heard her voice again.

"Sir, your change." 

I turned around to see her holding her fist which was full of coins. I went back to the counter and opened my palm under her fist. She dropped each coin one by one and opened her fist fully when she dropped the last coin in my palm. The coins that looked like a fist full in her hands looked nothing in mine and I realised how small her hands were in compared to mine. No, they were not small in compared to mine, they were really small, in fact, her whole body was small. She was something like 5'2? 

"Have a nice day." She smiled politely. 

I returned her smile, went straight towards the door and out of the shop. I felt like I could finally breathe. 

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