Just as the beast was thinking, Yun Sheng took out an anesthetic needled, raised it into the air, and pierced it into the body of the young beast.

The young beast cub shook and fell onto the ground.

Yun Sheng picked up the double headed beast and ran towards home.

On a mountain road outside Jiao Ye Village, several villagers of Huo Yan Village pushed a wheelbarrow carrying a Ding Lei wrapped up in gauze all over her body.

Ye Bei Ming's fire magic was extremely strong, it was a good thing that the village grandpa intervened in time. Also because he didn't want the villagers of Huo Yan village to become aggressive, Master Yang also did a simple treatment for Ding Lei.

Ding Lei's life was saved but her face and body was completely burnt. She no longer was able to restore her original appearance in this life.

"Lei Lei, don't be sad. Wait till we return to the village and let the village head come out and unite the pharmacies in the city to interfere with the business of the hemostatic flower of Jiao Ye Village. See how will they continue to survive," a villager bitterly said.

"And that Yun Sheng. She colluded with that temple's youth to harm me. I must get revenge. I must kill her," Ding Lei's ugly face twisted together.

She hated, extremely hated Yun Sheng. If it weren't for her, then the position of the assistant would already belong to her.

"Lei Lei, rest assured. The village chief will definitely avenge you," echoed several villagers.

"You guys won't be able to avenge yourselves," a man stood at the intersection ahead.

That man was tall and emitted a smell of rotten wine.

"Who are you? On what basis makes you think I can't get revenge?" Ding Lei endured her pain to sit up and glared at the drunkard stumbling ahead.

"Bullying the small, this old one can't see it to eye. I came to get revenge," the man's mouth spewed out an alcoholic stench as he spoke. Five glittering soulstones slipped out of the man's sleeve.

No one can bully Sheng'er.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged in the sky. The ground started burning and countless flames spewed out as if demons from hell were rallying and penetrating into earth.

Soul consuming magical fire illusion, the continent's most mysterious taboo fire magic.

"Sky magic...," said Ding Lei who had already been turned into coke (now this isn't the soda but rather a process coal used in blast furnace).

This fire, compared to the intermediate fire released by Ye Bei Ming was way more stronger.

The fire extinguished leaving only a few pools of human ashes on the ground.

As the wind blew, the ashes drifted away.


As he placed the magic staff into his sleeves, the drunk Yun Cang Hai violently started to cough.

He bitterly smiled and said to himself, " my magic has degraded to this life. I'm afraid even the wine won't be able to suppress the blood curse in my body. I'm afraid my whole life's magic... this place is no longer safe. Must I send Sheng'er back to that place? Only, what face do I have left to go back to that place."

He bent his back like an old man and headed towards the direction of Jiao Ye Village. Near evening, the twilight shaped his tall and thin figure into a long slanted shadow which made him appeared very sad and lonely.

At this time, Yun Sheng had placed the two-headed beast at home.

The two-headed beast that was embraced in Yun Sheng's arms had already fallen asleep under the influence of the anesthetic.

During the beast's sleep, Yun Sheng had purchased some tools needed to perform the separation operation.

Fortunately, she had just made a small fortune to purchase the exact amount needed.

Limited by the conditions, she can only transform her humble small bed into a temporary operating table for the time being.

The newly bought oil lamp from the village grocery store, the wine left from Yun Cang Hai, clean linen gauze, new cotton, a few suitable animal tendons, the recently purchased "scalpel", a few bone needles.

Placing the thin bedding on the window to shield up the situation inside the house. Everything for the surgery was now ready.

Yun Sheng changed into a body of clean medical clothes. She wore a white coat, used the wine to disinfect her hands and went to take off the beast ring.

Who knew no matter how many times she tried to take off the ring, it wouldn't come off. Helplessly, Yun Sheng had to wear the ring during the surgery.

Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius SummonerWhere stories live. Discover now