Part 28

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Monte : Damn bae.. i aint ever see you squirt that much .. you still goin -pulling his sweats up-
Tameeka : water broke..-holding her stomach-
Monte : ... what?? you fr??
Tameeka : we need to go right now!
Monte : -rushes to put his clothes bck on- Skai i need you to drive us -helps Tameeka off of the bed & helps her get some clothes on-
Skai : -getting dressed- Alright alright -gets the keys from him-
*They get in the car & Skai speeds off*
Monte : -rubbing Tameeka's back, trying to comfort her-
Tameeka : Ugh this is your fault -breathing heavy- You and ya big ass dick! -squeezing his arm-
Skai : -Pulls up infront of the emergency side-
Monte : -gets out & gets Tameeka out, runs her in-
Skai : -finds a parking spot, sits there & places her hand on her head- This shit is crazy..-she gets out-
*The nurses run her Tameeka to a room*
Nurse1 : We'll keep you updated
Monte : Man that's bullshit I need to be in there with her
Nurse1 : I understand your frustration but we need to handle this with the least amount of stress possible.. just please have a seat -walks in the room-
Monte : Fuck -sits down, puts his face in his hands-
Skai : -walking up-  i'm sorry.. can't help but feel like it's my fault
Monte : -Looks up- Nah you good.. I know they gone be alright but damn.. it wasn't suppose to happen like this
Skai : Well.. if it makes you feel any better .. i was a premi & i turned out fine.
Monte : -Looks at her, laughs a little shaking his head-
Skai : -sits next to him, puts her hand on his knee so he stops tapping his foot- .. it's gonna be ok.. your girl is strong, everything will work out
Monte : -Sighs- I know. Skai.. I—
Nurse1 : -walking back out- We were able to stop her from going into labor.. we're just going to keeo her here for the next 24 hours to monitor her and the baby.. but whatever activity that went on before her water broke.. please refrain from doing it until the baby is born -looking at Monte-
Monte : Can i see her now?
Nurse1 : -nods-
Nurse2 : -walking out-
Monte : -goes in the room- Bae.. you aight? -sees her crying-
Tameeka : No ! -wipes her eyes- They said we can't fuck anymore

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