Chapter 5: VS Titan's Hand

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[Forest area]

(note: this chapter my OC and Kirito are in a Party together for a quest before meeting Silica)

Zero: {i wonder what i can do about those Ape Monsters here ? }

Kirito: hey, you hear crying ?

*sound of Silica Crying*

Zero: {well she's A goner } *starts to walk away stops and get's out his New Swords* i really hate having to save idiots !!!

*Zero Dashes at The apes and They all shatter into crystals *

Zero( Silica's daydream): are you unharmed milady ?

Silica: what ?

Zero: i said stop staring it's creepy !!

*Silica starts crying again and Kirito Walks up*

Zero: you know i think i'm just gonna go were there aren't any crying girls oh look theres one now !!

Kirito: *whispering* shouldn't you at least ask her what's wrong

Zero: what !? Why it's not my problem ...............*irritated Sigh* What's wrong little girl ?

Silica: well ......

[timeskip brought by Silica and Zero With Zero with an annoyed look on his face]

*Silica continues explaining with Zero continuelly Bashing his head on the table*

Silica: and that's what happened

Kirito: well, i might help you but -

Zero: oh no, i am not helping some stupid brat who can Agro every freaking monster in this fucking game !!


*Kirito, Silica and Zero walk out of the building and see Rosalia*

Rosalia: Oh my god Silica how are you were is your little dragon ?

Silica: Pina died......

Rosalia: Oh to bad, did you at least make a nice pair of pants with Her ?

Silica: No !!

Rosalia: oh to bad, they would of been so comfortable

Zero: she's right you know dragon leather is surprisingly comfortable

Rosalia: oh and these two i see you found people around your level

Zero: *laughs a bit* what !?

Rosalia: oh it's cute how you play the strong one , are you gonna help her revive her pet

Silica: well actually Zero was n-

Zero: Let's go Silica, we have a little dragon to revive


Zero: Well we better take it slow don't want you to be caught by

*one of the plant monsters captures Silica*

Silica: *Screams* Ahh Kirito, Zero save me don't look but please save me !!

Zero: *irritated sigh* Relax that thing isn't that strong !! You have everything you need to kill it !!

Silica: the strength to believe in myself ?

Zero: No your Dagger !! Stab it !!

Silica: oh right !!

*Silica manges to kill it and lands on the ground*

Silica: *blushing a little* y-you didn't see my panties d-did you ?

Kirito: not really

Zero: Yeah i saw, don't worry though

Silica: *blushes harder*

[Timeskip to after Getting the Flower]

*Walking on a bridge*

Zero: wait, we have company come out already you red haired demoness

Rosalia: well you must have a high Detection skill to have noticed i was there

Zero: oh don't start with me i know exactly what your up to !! Oh and i know there are more of you !!

Rosalia: *chuckles* you figured it out huh

*she snaps her fingers and the rest of titan's hand come out *

Silica: wait Zero there are to many

Kirito: don't worry Silica he knows what he is doing

Zero: so, Titan's Hand a PKer guild.........*laughs* i dealt with worse

Titan's Hand Grunt: uh boss, this guy i think i heard of him Dark purple Clothing and a special skill user i don't think we should mess with him he is the Purple shadow of Aincrad

Rosalia: oh shut up you're all high leveled and there's 7 of you !!

Zero: go on take the first shot i dare you *Grinning*

*The Grunts charge at Zero and try to kill him*

Silica: {What is he doing he is not moving i got to help him or he -} *Sees Zero's HP go back up* Huh !?

*The Grunts Breath heavily*

Rosalia: what are you idiots doing !? Kill him !!

Grunts: we're trying !! We don't get why we can't kill him !!

Zero: easy .........*brings up his Profile*

「Player: Zero
Level - 69
Healing skill: Auto-regenerate active」

Rosalia: well, i am a green player so if you do anything to me you'll go Orange !!

*Zero Dashes at her and puts his sword to her neck*

Zero: you think i care if i have to be Orange

Rosalia: ngh.........i hope you enjoyed this it's the closest you'll get to a woman

*She shatters into crystal pixals*

Zero: {haha, jokes on you i already got close to a woman}


Silica: Zero, how are you doing ?

Zero: fine why ?

Silica: well you did just kill someone a while ago don't you feel anything ?

Zero: well, not toward the fact i just stopped a guild of Killers nor that killed someone if i had to kill someone before they kill me i will

Silica: oh, l-let's get Pina back

*Silica uses the Flower and revives Pina and Pina chirps at Zero*

Zero: yeah, no problem little dragon

Kirito and Silica: {he can understand that ?}

*Zero pets Pina on the head and Pina makes a sort of Purring Sound*

Chapter end

~Next Chapter~

Zero Fights another Pker group
And Meets Philia

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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