1- Christmas

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"Whatever you do can you just act like normal," her wife said, as the two got closer and closer to Lucy's parents house.

"Act as if you didn't ask for a divorce only 48 hours ago? Sure thing Lucy," Georgia said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, as she killed the engine and got out of the car without another word.

The right back watched as she moved to the boot, getting out their bags as her mum came out of the house to greet the two of them.

"I've missed you two so much!" Diane squealed as she hugged her daughter-in-law tightly. Lucy took leave to get out of the car, and her mum quickly detached herself from Georgia and hugged her daughter.

"How are you mum?" She asked, her chin resting on her shoulder, as she watched her wife grab the bags she'd dropped on the floor when Diane has come outside, and made her way into the house without another word.

"I'm fine, but what's up with Georgia? She seems very tense," Diane asked Lucy, and the defender immediately tensed too, thinking of anything other than the reason her wife was upset.

"You know what she's like after a long drive," Lucy said, trying to ease the concern of her mother, which she did convincingly.

"I can't wait for you to see the tree this year, me and your dad both agreed it's the best one yet!" Diane said, excitement evident, as she dragged
Lucy into the house.

"I'm so glad you made it for Christmas this year! The weather forecast wasn't looking good for today," Kim, Lucy's dad, said, talking to his daughters wife in the living room.

"Lucy was adamant we would come, no matter what," Georgia replied. It was true.

After Lucy had told her the news, Georgia didn't want to go and see her in-laws, but Lucy had practically begged her to go, she didn't want her parents thinking anything was wrong.

Georgia had always been welcome in their family with open arms, her being the first girlfriend of Lucy's that they'd approved of. They were elated when they heard the news about the engagement, they'd cried at the wedding, and the defender knew how disappointed and heartbroken they'd be when they heard about the divorce.

Lucy walked into the room, watching as her wife talked to her dad. Neither seemed to notice her presence, so she watched.

She couldn't help but admire her wife, stood looking at the garden, through the big back door they had in their living room. She wished she didn't feel the way she did, but after 7 years, things had changed.

"Lucy!" Her dad said, interrupting her thoughts, as he engulfed her into his arms. She needed that, she needed to be held.

"Georgia was just telling me about your birthday, it seems so long ago now."

Georgia half smiled, as she reminisced.

The defender had come home from France for her birthday, having an event the next day, and her wife was ecstatic to have her back for even a few days. Georgia had woken up early, making sure everything was perfect, cooking her breakfast in bed, and decorating the house for her 29th birthday. Kim was right in saying it was long ago, because they were both happy then, no talk of divorce, no thought of it either.

"Yeah," Lucy mumbled, luckily her sister walked in changing the subject completely.

"Drew!" She called, running to her sister-in-law and giving her a hug.

"I'm right here Soph," Lucy laughed, seeing her sister act so close with her wife, breaking her heart. Sophie would be devastated when she found out.

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