Chapter 10: Beef Patties

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"I'm guessing your Taylor Lautner who plays Jacob?" I asked

"Yeah!" he said enthusiastically. "Your Kristen right?"

"Yeah" i said shaking his outstretched hand. He nodded and looked at Rob.

"Let me guess, your Edward?" Rob briskly laughed rolling his eyes.

"Rob actually, but I get what you mean and yes, I will be playing Edward."

"So I hate you?" Taylor asked. It was more of a statement.

"The feeling's mutual dog" Rob chuckled, I laughed too. From that moment, i knew the three of us were going to be really good friends. Catherine cleared her throat loudly as if there was a couple making out in front of her, and looked a bit annoyed.

"I'm really glad you guys are getting along so well, but we need to get started! And Rob, Kris, you guys need to meet the rest of the cast! Come on!" he called over her shoulder and sped off.

"You guys go, i'll catch up later, I've already met everyone" Taylor called as he ran in the opposite direction, towards the snack bar. I looked at Rob, and surprisingly, he didn't look the tiniest bit nervous. That gave me more confidence, and together we walked towards where Catherine sped off to. I noticed there were people with huge cameras, and those light reflecting umbrella's walking around everywhere, and talking really loudly. I think i got caught up in all o fit that i started going in the wrong direction.

"Kristen? Where are you going? Catherine is over here!" Rob yelled standing and pointing towards his left, about 200 yards away from wher i was. I quickly ran over to him and speed-walked until we approached Cath. Rob and I met all the actors who were going to play the Cullens. There was Ashley (Alice), Nicki (Rosalie), Kellan (Emmett), Jackson (Jasper), Peter (Carlisle) and Elizabeth (Esme). Then we met Anna, who'd be playing Jessica, Michael, who'd be playing Mike and Billy, who got the role of my dad, Charlie. They were all really sweet, and all of us got along really well. Billy left to go get Taylor. When Taylor came back, Cath told all of us to get in a circle- excpet for Billy who Cath allowed to go over his script. So we all got in a circle and Cath did a test to see who memroized there lines, and who didn't. Hse'd randomly call one of our names and say the first line of one our scenes, and we are then supposed to say the following lines after. I got through this game with flying colours, as did Rob and everyone else-excpet Taylor. He said the right lines, but at the wrong scenes. he said, '"Okay. Um, did you know Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?"' when he was supposed to say, '"Just don't get mad, okay? He wants you to break up with your boyfriend."' Everyone burst out laughing, inclduing Cath. She told Taylor that he's lucky he doesnt have as many lines in this one, she said that in the next movie, he'll have almost triple if not more lines than he has now. I also learned that Taylor was 16, almost two years younger than I was. We spent the rest of the day, or at least until lunch playing various games like these to get our lines drilled into our heads. Rob and I never left eachothers side, i felt a lot more comfortable beacuse of that. We had our lunch break in no time, thats when Cath revealed something none us knew.
" Okay, so today was a great start! I'm very proud of most of you for getting into their characters flawlessly and memorizing their lines" she paused and gave Taylor a look. He just shrugged and replied with a hey-what-I-do-wrong? face. Cath giggled and continued, " We will be doing these exercises ever time before we start filming a new scene. I think it's a good way to warm you guys up, what do you think?"

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