Chapter 7: The Picture

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---(On the way to the first day of filming)---

I was in the car listening to music, Van Morrison precisely, on my way to Robs. We decided to go together since we didn’t know anybody else on set besides Cath, and to be honest, both of us were pretty nervous, although neither wanted to admit it. I looked through the window at the urban, busy streets of Los Angeles. There were peoplebeverywhere. Smoking, dancing, singing, screaming and even jump-roping. I put the car on park, and jumped out of it, hopping up the steps to where Rob was staying. I carefully ringed the doorbell and stepped back, smoothed my hair, and fixed my shirt.

“Kristen!” he yelled and pulled me in for one of his –many- life-crushing bear hugs. He held me there for what seemed like a minute and finally let go, I gasped.

“Jeez Rob, do you want me to die that bad?” I laughed breathlessly. He laughed loudly and grabbed my wrist, ushering me inside.

“Rob we have to go, I didn’t even turn my car off!” I pulled at his grip on my arm, he didn’t let go.

“Just come upstairs with me for a minute, I promise it won’t take long”

“Ok fine, but one minute” I warned and let him take me up the stairs. I’ve never been to this house before, he was staying with his friend Tom. He said they’ve been best friends since he could remember. It was a nice house, smaller than I expected, but cozy. The walls were painted a very faint red color and was covered in pictures. Rob were in a lot of them. Tom had a long wooden staircase, with an even longer narrow carpet rolling down it, almost like a Red Carpet, but brown. Rob led me into what seemed like the master bedroom, as I entered it, Rob let go of my wrist and scurried to the bedside table and opened up a croaky drawer. He took out a book and started looking through the pages. Once he found what he was looking for, he came and sat beside me on the huge king-sized bed.

“You need to read this book, I’ll give it to you once I’m finished. This line caught my attention, and it reminded me of you” he handed me the book and pointed to the line he was talking about. It read “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
― Marilyn Monroe. It reminded him of me? Why? He answered before I asked him.

“It’s just…You said that you were about to drop out of Twilight, and you had many reasons and one of them were the fans. You’re worried about the media, about what’ll happen to your life after this. You’re worried about people’s reactions, when they should be the one worried about yours” I stared at him in awe. He talked like this sometimes, like he was reciting a book, but the lines were his own words, the only problem was, it was difficult understanding what he actually means.

“Rob, what does that quote have to do with Twilight and me?”

“That Kristen, the paparazzi’s already been following us around everywhere, they’re going to take some picture, report some ridiculous thing that may not even be true, show you ‘at your worst’ but you can’t let that get to you, and I’m speaking for both of us. We can’t let them get to us, because as Marilyn says, if they can’t handle your ‘worst’ they don’t deserve your best, and that ‘they’ includes us. If you can’t handle what they are doing, you shouldn’t be doing all this hard work into making this movie, putting in your best.” I didn’t say anything for a while, Rob didn’t take his eyes off me, and in them was…pity.

“Why are you telling me all this?”

“Kristen…” his voice trailed off, I was getting edgy.

“Rob what’s wrong? What…Oh My God”


Okay this was a short chapter, I gave a shot at a cliffhanger, let me know how it was and I also decided to make my updates twice every week, so every Wednesday and Thursday!

Remeber to VOTE & COMMENT!!!

I also want to give a shout out to @brookie5959, who makes AWESOME and proffesional Book Covers, so if anybody needs one, she's the girl you go to!

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