A Creep

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"What do you mean it costs 20000 Jewel!" My sister shouted, "Come on tell me what is really worth." She was probably trying to seduce him now. She is weird. Suddenly she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the shop. "I can't believe he only gave me 1000 Jewel off, that old man must have been blind!" She said angrily pulling me along walking in a fast pace. Out of nowhere her grip suddenly loosened, I heard her fall.

"You ok Lu?'" I asked reaching my hand out in her direction, helping her up.


"IT'S SALAMANDER!" A bunch of girls yelled excited.

"Isn't he a famous wizard that uses a form of magic you can't find in the shops?" I asked.

"Your right!" She yelled, grabbing my hand and once again running through the crowd dragging me behind her.

We got to the center of the crowd, everyone was talking about how cool and good-looking the wizard was. Lucy suddenly let go of my hand, I could tell her heart rate suddenly got faster. I reached out towards her when I hear someone yelling, "HEY IGNEEL, IT'S MEEEEEE!" My head snapped in the direction of the noise, "Your not Igneel, who are you."

"I'm the great Salamander." The wizard said.

"Don't care." Suddenly all the women around me got really angry, except Lucy.

"Lets go Ayla, we should thank him." Lucy said, placing her hand on my shoulder. I turned towards the direction of her voice, confused.


"I forget, that type of magic doesn't work on you, I will tell you later." I just nodded and let her lead me over to where a young man was on the ground. 

"Hey, Thank you." Lucy told the guy.

~To the restaurant~

"That creep was using a forbidden charm spell." Lucy told the Natsu, Happy, and me. It all makes sense now, and that guy is a huge creep. She went on to talk about the spell, I stopped listening.

"--- However more famous guilds are harder to get into, and the guild we want to join is Fairy Tail."

"Lucy, I think your weirdness is confusing them." I whispered quiet enough so only Lucy would be able to hear it.

"How am I being weird." She whispered back.

"Your talking to much, and your telling total strangers our life story."

"No I'm not!" Lu said slightly louder then her normal voice, but not quite yelling.

"Let's just go, I have a weird feeling." Lucy just sighed and picked up her bag and grabbed my arm yet again pulling me with her.

"Hey," Natsu said grabbing my sleeve, "thank you for the food."

"It is the least we could do, after all you helped us." I said with a smile.

"But we weren't even trying to, I feel like we owe you something, ohh I know here, that guy's signature."

"No thanks." I said, waving my hands.


"No, really it is fine, now we need to leave." Lucy said tugging my hand, wanting me to follow her. 

~Time skip~

Me and Lucy were sitting on a bench, Lucy was reading Sorcerer Weekly and I was drinking a bitter medicine, when Lucy let out a small giggle. "Fairy Tail causing trouble again?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"Of course," Lucy replied, "They defeated the bandits but destroyed SEVEN houses in the process!" I giggle of course they would.

"It would be like a dream come true, if we could join!"

"I happen to hear you wanted to join Fairy Tail." A familiar voice said, followed by some rustling that sounded like someone getting out of a bush. Lucy called him a creep and a stalker, telling him about how his charm spell wouldn't work on us. "I knew you were a wizard the moment our eyes met. Anyways I'm having a party on my yacht, your both invited. And if you show up, I'll put a good word in for you guys at Fairy Tail." My eyes widened, we could really get into Fairy Tail.

~Timeskip brought to you by sad t-rex, t-rex is sad because it's arms are too short to reach the bottom of the pringle can.~

We were on a boat, in a room talking to the pervert, Lucy was wearing a revealing maroon dress, while I was in a more modest green one that Lucy picked out for me.

"Please, a toast to your beauty." The creep said. Liquid started to float, however it smelt weird, I smacked it out of the air.

"Just... What do you think your doing!" I asked, anger seeping into my voice. I recognized the scent, poppy clover, a powerful herb that puts the victim into a deep slumber. Just then a group of men burst in, carrying women on their shoulders.

"Oh no you don't." My sister said, grabbing her keys.

"A celestial wizard, huh, to bad these keys are useless to anyone but the contractor." The perv said, grabbing Lucy's keys and throwing them out the window, then turning to grab my single key, tossing it as well. No Nekoette, my friend, my guide, my other sister. He is so dead. A loud crash came from above, and a familiar voice spoke, it was Natsu.

A/N Sorry if some details aren't correct, this is my first time writing this type of fanfiction also Nekoette is not her actual sister they grew up together.

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