Planning & Memories

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May 2016

"This gives me serious flashbacks of the original Terminator trilogy." Felicity murmured feeling sick to her stomach in Lyla's office. Lyla and Laurel had just finished explaining to Felicity, Oliver, and Thea what Operation Genesis were. Diggle couldn't be there because he was with his and Lyla's daughter Sara. That and Diggle was still grieving over the fact that he had to kill his own brother in self defense.

Two days after Quentin's funeral, Lyla came to Laurel with some information regarding Hive that she got from her CIA contact. A flight ticket to Barcelona that was purchased by Milo Armitage, an alleged high ranking member of the HIVE. Laurel disguised as Black Canary caught him the day he supposed was to board the plane and with the right incentive, Milo told her everything about Darhk's plans and Operation Genesis.

It was a nuclear holocaust intended to wipe out a large portion of the world's popularity so that the humanity could start over by using Rubicon, an ballistic launch override protocol designed by ARGUS to prevent any country around the planet, including the United States and other NATO members, from firing a nuclear missile. It was safely hidden in ARGUS HQ until Shadowspire tried to steal Rubicon that consisted of a device and chip that had the launch codes. So Lyla had to surgically put the chip inside her wrist for security measures she told the trio. Smart but gross.

"Well, I knew that Damien was somewhat demented and crazy but I didn't think he would be insane." Thea said sarcastically. Oliver couldn't help but agree with his sister's assessment.

"So what do we do now?" Oliver asked, wondering about their next move.

Lyla went to get a tablet from one of the drawers and showed a digital map of a underground bunker that HIVE built that was apart of Operation Genesis. "Milo Armitage was kind enough to give us the location of Darhk's Ark. It's located underground right underneath the Glades. I'll have one of my techs to supply the coordinates for you."

"Why it always have to be the Glades?" Felicity whined.

"Because it's a bad part of town?" Thea quipped weakly.

"I was being rhetorical."

"What about you, Laurel? You coming with us?" Oliver inquired.

Laurel shook her head much to the team Arrow's disappointment. "I can't. I'm still the assistant D.A despite what happened to my dad and as much as I hate to say this, I'm supposed to attend Ruve's victory party tonight that's being held at Star City Plaza."

"I understand." Oliver nodded in understanding, not blaming her bit. "Let's go." The trio left Lyla's office and headed back to Star City to suit up.

"Did you have to lie to Oliver?" Lyla inquired, looking at her critically. Laurel sighed feeling guilty for having to lie to her ex.

"Ollie would never let me out of his sight if he knew the truth." Laurel replied knowingly. "This is something I have to do alone. Besides I need you to do something for me."


Star City

May 2016.

"Get up! Go! I'm right behind you!"

"Tommy! Tommy!!"

It felt like yesterday to her as Laurel was looking around the ruined building of her old workplace in the Glades wearing her Black Canary suit. When Tommy died saving her life in the Undertaking three years ago, almost to the date. She remembered when she got Joanna out of the building, a huge part of the ceiling caved in, coming down on her, trapping her. She remembered that she couldn't breathe let alone move underneath the rubble. She felt like she was about to die. Tommy came to rescue, somehow gaining enough strength to move the rubble so that she could escape. Unfortunately he couldn't get out of there in time as another part of the ceiling collapsed down on him and he died of his injuries. There had been days hours minutes where she thought back to that day. How she sometimes wished that it should've been her instead of Tommy. Which was why she came here, to see where it all began.

If anyone told her that what she was about to do next was crazy, she would agree and back away but desperate times calls for desperate measures. She pressed the button on a burne phone and speed dialed the number she wanted to call. she waited for the caller to accept her call for a while before a gleeful voice answered.


"Lonnie." She simply greeted to the psychopathic hitman coldly.

"Oh. Pretty Bird. To what do I own the pleasure of having you calling me?"

She went straight to the point, not beating around the bushes. "Simple. I need you to do something for me."

"Aaand what do I get in return?"

"Chaos. As much as you'd like." She replied knowing it was the only way to get him on board.

"Ooh, now you're talking."

"Mayor Adams is celebrating her mayoral win tonight at the Plaza." Laurel told him. "And I don't think she and her husband Damien Darhk don't deserve a life of happily ever after."

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