Part 5

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Part 5: The Fatal Shot.


I slid on my scrub shirt and checked the time on my Apply Watch. My shift starts in 5 minutes. I quickly texted Frankie.

"I am off today at 9 PM. Pick me up at my house for dinner." I sent the text and smiled at he lounge room door opened. I looked back and seen Quincy. He had cut all his hair off. I gasped, "What are you doing in here?"

"The hospital Director lost one of the doctors for the ER due to PTSD after that incident and needed someone to fill she called me and ofcourse I jumped on the opportunity." He told me as I smiled and saw Frankie reply that he would. I threw my phone in my locker and closed it. We walked out of the lounge and I asked, "Did The Charge Nurse, Wilma, give you the run down on how thing goes?"

"She said the doctor im foreshadowing today will and thats you." He told me as I smiled. I pulled him into the corner by the clock in iPad was plastered on the wall.

I exhaled, "Down here we maybe the doctors but its a family. And Wilma is mother. When she calls you name you run. Now its 8 doctors, 16 nurses, one shrink. And now 9 Trauma rooms. Every doctor works with 2 nurses so Wilma will call you and a nurse at all times. You still Peds?" He shook his head and I smiled. I love that he works with kids.

"Perfect. Now today you are with me so stay behind me." I told him as he joked, "No other place I rather be." He winked as I hit his chest. I nudged him and clocked in. We walked out and Wilma shouted, "Cartina, gang shooting off third avenue. We have 5 men coming in. Get ready!" I looked back at Quincy and said, "Lets go!"

Moments later, I rushed into trauma one at the EMT spoke, "2 GSW's to the chest. His pulse is thready. No ID."

"Move him on my count. 1...2..3" Everyone lifted him on the bed and I demanded, "Heart Monitor patches now, Nurse Dawne." She swiftly worked as I lifted up his body and exhaled, "The bullets both went in and out." As she attached the patches his rate was tanking. I quickly checked his lungs with the device and seen them feeling with blood. I grabbed the scapel and made a small incision and stuff the tube in as blood rushed out on to the floor.

Nurse Dawne gasped, "This rate is climbing. He should be stable soon." I looked over at Quincy and chuckled, "This is only the beginning. The ER is a different ball game. Nurse Dawne run a full panel. Doctor Gray finish up here."


"Yes. I am here to pick up Teddy Cartina. Doctors Appointment." I told the receptionist at this Academy she told me have a seat. I sat down and took a deep breath. Today is my only day off in a long ass time and I wanna surprise Teddy with a Father/Son day. I checked my phone and seen lunch hadnt happen yet which was good because this wait will be hella longer. She came back to the desk and called me over.

"You came on the best day. He is on his way down to the office..from SCSI. He was caught with a few other students skipping into the school parking lot to smoke." She told me and I laughed, "I said Teddy Cartina."

"I know what you said. We asked to call you earlier, but he told the principal you was at work and wont answer the phone." She informed me and my blood started rising as he walked into the office. I smiled at her and said, "Thank you." I turned around and snatched him by his shirt as I dragged him down the hall and all the way to the parking lot. I threw him up against the car and snapped, "You think money grow on trees? You think your tuition here didnt put a dent in savings."

"Not yours." He slickly said and smacked the dog shit out of him across the face. He rose his chest up at me and I saw red. I jacked his ass up and sternly snapped, "let these white friends of yours get you fucked up! What the fuck is up with you? You wanna end up in jail. Smoking?Skipping? You think you tough. I dare you so much a huff at me right now so I can drag your black ass on this concrete." It went silent and he stared at me and suddenly from my side view I seen one of those golf carts.

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