Day 1, 15:28. Answers

Start from the beginning

I believed it worked now. Any time I tried to remember a big word, it would be just a little bit harder, and I'd give up. When I was talking I'd mumble and get the sounds in the wrong order, but everybody understood what I meant. It was hard to walk without falling down, and I didn't know if that was from Daddy's magic tapes, or the weird sizes of the bus, or just because I wasn't used to walking with a diaper pushing my legs apart. But I knew it felt good, and I knew that I'd wanted to be a little girl for as long as I could remember. Anything that could help me to feel so little was just wonderful, and helping me not to remember the details made it feel like it was really magic.

I was trying to find a way to say all that in little words when I realised I needed to go pee again. I looked around at my friends, so many of them wearing diapers, and I knew that if I wet myself they wouldn't mind at all. I could go back to Daddy and ask him if I could use the potty again, or I could just let go, and it was all up to me. It was embarrassing to think about that, and I might have started blushing, but it was a lot easier when I knew it wouldn't be weird here. I thought about it while I was talking, not sure if I really was brave enough to be that little. More than that, I wasn't sure if I wanted to. It had felt good and weird and so many tangled feelings I couldn't even start to understand, and it made me feel littler than I'd ever imagined.

Not now, though. Not with my friends so close, until I was a lot more confident. I pulled myself to my feet, still a little unsteady as I tried to work out how far away the next step really was. As soon as I was standing, I realised that I needed to pee more than I thought. It was like I didn't properly notice it until I was moving, and then I was rushing just a little bit faster towards Daddy and the bathroom. Taking a larger step made me miss my footing and I stumbled a little bit, but I had my hands out to either side and I could hang onto a seat to stop me falling.

"Are you okay, baby girl?" Daddy was standing right there beside me, and offered me his hand. His hand seemed so big, and I felt like he was towering over me. He wasn't that much taller than me, I knew, but sometimes the number of inches didn't matter nearly as much as his presence, and the way I just felt smaller. "Do you need some help, Emily?" I felt even smaller when I heard him say my little name. It was more powerful than I'd ever imagined it could be. And he knew it too; it was a part of Daddy's magic, or maybe the magic that Jace and Perry and Juliet had been giggling about before.

I loved it.

"Baby Emily," I giggled nervously. I couldn't help the way those words made me feel. Small and helpless, but protected. The words that turned my legs to jelly. I'd read that description in books before, usually love stories, but with Daddy it really did make me so happy I started to feel giddy, and then I was feeling dizzy like I was really going to fall over. "That makes me feel..." I didn't know what I was going to say, so I just let the words turn into a laugh. I knew he'd be able to understand me anyway. Daddy knew everything.

"You like your magic words, Baby Emily?" he asked, taking my hand so I could stand up more easily. "You know there's words that can make you feel even littler?"

"Ohh?" I wanted to ask what the words were, or ask him to make me littler, or ask a load more questions that I wouldn't understand the answers to. But all the words got to my mouth at the same time, and all that came out was a gasp and a bit of a squeak. But Daddy understood me, just like he always did. He knew what I was thinking before I knew it myself.

"I might have a little surprise for Baby Emmy, if you're enjoying being as little as you are." He was holding me up now, lifting me off my feet, and he was so close I could feel his breath on my ear. I think he said something else as well, but I was giggling at the little tickle from his breathing and I didn't listen properly to what he was actually saying. I might have asked him, but as I shifted position in his hands that reminded me again how bad I needed to pee. His hip pressed my diaper firmly against me, reminding me about its softness, and making it impossible to ignore the pressure inside me. I squirmed for a second, not sure if I should try to walk to the bathroom myself or ask Daddy to carry me.

But as soon as I moved it was like losing my grip on a slippery floor, I was moving and I didn't know how to stop it. Not falling, but starting to pee. I didn't know I was going to until the moment it happened, and then I couldn't stop it any more than I could have stopped my skittering on an icy street. The warmth spread through my diaper, pressed tight between us so I couldn't help but feel it.

My eyes were wide, and I couldn't find my words. I'd just wet myself while Daddy was holding me, and I didn't know what he was going to think about that. It was probably the most shame I'd ever felt, but at the same time I'd never felt so little before. I wasn't playing helpless now, and I didn't know what to think.

"Daddy, I..." I mumbled, speaking into his shoulder in a voice I didn't know he could hear. "I did a wee."

"Oh, does my baby need changing?" he whispered back. In that moment I was so embarrassed to hear him say it, but at the same time I was glad he wasn't letting everybody else know. I think Juliet's daddy would have said it out loud just to make her blush. "Good girl. Come on then, let's get you cleaned up."

Author's Note: My mood's not been good lately. Depression is a real thing, and it's a real struggle to get these chapters out on a regular schedule. I'm still trying; but please don't lose faith in me if I can't keep up the routine?

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