31; this is why i love you

Start from the beginning

"And what about your menstrual cycle? How's that?" I sighed.

"I'm fine."

"When was the last time you had a period?"

"Like a month ago."

 "And have you had it this month?"

"No, I missed it."

"Are you irregular?" I shook my head.

She nodded and looked at the nurse.

"Nerah, do you mind if we run a pregnancy test?" She asked. 

"Sure, but I'm not pregnant." I laughed.

The nurse walked out. She came back and handed me a small cup.

"What this?" I asked.

"Oh, that's how we test pregnancy. It's more accurate than using store-bought pregnancy tests." I nodded. "We also bought you an apple juice to drink before you take the test."

I quickly drank the apple juice. The doctor and the nurse left the room leaving just Kylie and me.

"If you are pregnant, can I be the Godmother?" Kylie asked.

"No, and I'm not pregnant."

"What about the super cool, stylish aunt?" She asked.

"I'm not pregnant." I laughed. Kylie just rolled her eyes.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly took the test. I brought the cup back. The doctor walked in and smiled before taking it from me.

"We're going to run a quick test and then we'll let you know your results," she said with a smile.

"Why don't you just save yourself some time? I'm not pregnant."


Kylie and I sat impatiently in the room. 

"What about Stephanie?" She asked trying to figure out a pretty girl name.

"I'm not pregnant," I said for the hundredth time.

"Or Courtney." I groaned. I held onto my stomach and tried to keep myself from throwing up again.

There was a knock at the door and Kylie practically jumped to open the door. The doctor walked in.

"You're results are in!" She said with a bright smile. "Congratulations, you're pregnant!"

I felt my whole world stop.

"But- I... Is there any way to figure out who the child belongs to?" I asked.

There was a very high possibility that the baby could be Grayson's and I just got back with Zach. I couldn't have him raising another child that didn't belong to him.

"Well, according to your test, you're 2 and a half weeks pregnant."

"It's Zach's!" Kylie yelled in excitement. "Oh my gosh, we have to tell him!"

She immediately whipped out her phone which I snatched from him. 

"No," I said sternly. "I don't want to stress him out while he's on tour. And the results are probably wrong."

"Nope, you're positive," the doctor said.

"If that's true, why did I start feeling sick and stuff so early?" I questioned.

"This is your second pregnancy, Ms. Jackson. Your response to pregnancy is going to be very high. Also, every pregnancy is different. This baby might be different from your first." I sighed and thought about Apollo. He would've been 1 if he had survived.

Secret Love Song: Memories (Zach Herron) ✔ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now