Chapter 1 - The night the Demons Attacked

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There was a loud buzzing sound followed by blinking red lights flooding the New York institute.

"Really," Clary said annoyed, pulling away from Jace's soft lips. "Right in the middle of our perfect moment." She quickly pulled on her black shirt, along with her black leather jacket. Her red hair illuminating against the dark color. She turned to look at jace he was also quite annoyed. "Are you coming?" She asked with a demanding tone to her voice.

"Calm down babe, it's just probably just a few demons they'll be fine without us."

"At least put on a shirt, not saying that I don't enjoy you without a shirt on," she said biting her lip seductively. "But the other shadowhunters don't enjoy your perfect abs the way I do."

Jace laughed. I don't think he knew how much Clary loved his laugh, she always found it so cute, the way his golden hair bounces with every breath he takes. She couldn't help but smile at him.

"Here put this on." Clary threw some shadowhunter gear at him, it consisted of. Black jeans, a black shirt and a black leather jacket, and you can't forget the weapons belt, it's responsible for holding all the seraph blades and other weapons they might need for fighting.

Jace pulled on the black shirt, it was a little tight so you could see his muscles underneath.
Just as he buckled the belt around his small waist Alec came running into the room.

Alec was pointing outside as he screamed.

"Alec, calm down buddy. What's happening out there, we heard the alarm sound but we thought it was just a few demons, nothing you couldn't handle." Jace said trying to comfort his parabatai.

"It's not just a few," Alec had finally stopped screaming. "There's so many, the inquisitor sent me to get you two, since you are the claves best shadowhunters." There was silence after that sentence. "Well hurry up, we can't let everybody die out there, follow me."

Jace and Clary made a dash toward the doors, swerving from children not old enough to battle that were wondering what was happening. When they got to the doors Jace turned to Clary and said what he always says before a battle.

"I love you, I will love you until I die, and if there's a life after this, I will love you then."
And he ran away without giving Clary the opportunity to say the same, or a kiss, he always kissed her before, just incase it was the last time they'd see each other.

Jace realized halfway through killing his 4th demon that he never kissed Clary, it doesn't seem that important to other people but this may be the very last time he sees the love of his life. He brushed the thought away, neither of them have died in any of the battles they've had over the years so he'll just give her a giant kiss when they see each other later. Seconds after he finished off the demon, he heard a loud earth shattering scream, it seemed to be calling his name. One thought came to his head. Clary.

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him until he almost passed Clary, how could he miss her, she had her red hair flowing across the grass, even in the darkness he could see the light radiating off her bright hair, her small fraile body lying limp across the ground, and he saw a huge demon running away from Clary, as if the sight of Jace scared him off.

"Jace." Clary called out as a tear slipped from her beautiful green eyes.

"I'm here Clary, I'm here." He reassured her.

"I have something to tell you, I love you, I will love you until I die, and if there's a life after this, I will love you then." She manages to put a smile on her face even though the pain she is suffering is almost unbearable.

"That's my line." Jace whispered trying to hold back tears, but one slipped from his golden eyes, everything about Jace was golden. From his hair to his eyes to his personality, but now that changed as his one true love slowly and painfully slipped away in his arms.

With one swift movement of her arm, Clary swipes the tear from his face. "You don't need to hide your emotions Jace, not from me."
She pleaded. "I love you, more than words can express, I hope you find someone that makes you as happy as you made me." Clary said with her last breath, tears were spilling out all over her face now, along with blood oozing from various lashes across her body.

"I love you too angel." Jace cried out, tears were pooling in his eyes, the last thing he saw on her face was a smile, a beautiful smile. Than she slipped away, hopefully to a better place.
Jace kissed her forehead ever so lightly as if she was a glass doll, and was going to break with even the lightest touches. He couldn't control himself anymore, Jace brought his face to Clary's shoulder and sobbed drenching her jacket in tears.

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