Chapter 17 Unexpected Guest

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Heather's Pov)

I sat in the back seat,the other seat occupied by several plastic wrappers. I finally had slept,in that prison I never slept. Much less could I call it sleep,I was just put into the Flash room.

My arms were crossed as Reese went to go pay for gas. I think we were in Oregon,it's winters really were harsh. I could sense that we were getting close to my sisters and the others.

Did we win the war,is Zalgo still at large? I riddled myself with questions as I heard a tapping on the window. Turning my head and rolling down the window just enough to hear a man ask "Are you alright ma'am?" I nodded at him. "I need you to step out of the car put your hands up on your way out." I smiled slamming open the car door hitting the cop. I shut the door and rushed inside of the shop. "Reese,time to go." I said to whomever was in the shop. "Alright on second." I heard her voice at the front of the shop. I heard a match strike.

I spin around hitting the deck as the force of the explosion sends me into a beam. I groan falling onto the ground. "Put your hands up!" I look up "I'm kinda busy here." I get up rolling my shoulder and hearing a sickening crack.

"I said put your-" I grab his gun as it misfired and went into something behind me. "I independently ripped a car engine out of the car imagine what I could do it you." I threatened. I squeezed the gun with as much might as I could the gun collapsed inside itself.

"What..a-are...y-you?" He asked. I got close to him my lips barely brushing his. "I am a drug that you can't stop taking....tell me officer..." I kissed him gentle. "Are you up for game." He was in shock I grabbed his jaw before he could speak my hand in his mouth. I yank it out and let him fall beside me dead.

"Hey Heather...done smooching on your victim?" Reese asked me from

Behind. "You better get this fucking padlock out from the back of my head so I can strangle you..." I growled getting into the car and slamming the door.

"Drive Reese." I sighed rubbing my temples.

Dr Dawn Rose's Pov)

I rubbed my eyes. I was sitting in a park as the snow fell rabidly around me. My attention to was that creature. It was as if it was darkness and had red eyes.

I was covered in snow with my scope watching him. He was maybe half a football field away. He was stalking around looking for me. He turned towards me. His eyes beaming at me. I rose from the snow clipping my scope to my belt.

Drawing my knife I held the blade. Throwing it as hard as I could and it imbedded itself into its skull.

He fell to the ground. I rushed over and pulled the knife from his head.

"Please....d-don't..h-hurt..m-m-me." I turned my head to see a teenage boy his hands up and tears streaming down his eyes. He wore a football jacket with his I assume his HighSchool team.

I looked down at the black creature to see a dog. My eyes widened. I looked over to see the real creature on a roof. "You bastard." I growled. "I know I'm so sorry for being mean to the kids in school just...d-don't kill me." I look at the stupid jock. I raise a eyebrow. "Shut up." I he nodded silent shaking sobs racked his body.

I looked back at the roof to see that creature gone. I looked downs at the boy who was crawling away. His phone camera on me. I smiled taking down the black clothe off my face. "Holy Shit!" he yelled scrambling away.

I smirked a few quick strides and I had caught up to him. "You must be a safety." I laugh grabbing his collar and slamming him into the car hood.

"Not really safe now are you?" I smiled. He smelled so delicious. I licked my lips running my tongue over my exposed teeth. "Please!" he yelled I smiled. "Okay." I say kindly. Slicing his throat and letting the spray fall into my mouth.

The taste of copper and a sweet kind of taste. I closed my eyes letting his body drop as I wiped my mouth and pulled up the clothe.

It was a strange habit,it seemed like I couldn't eat anything but people normal food I would end up spewing and people were the only thing I could keep down.

I sighed brushing off the chills of the air and put my knife away. I looked down at the body of my meal. His whole essence vibrated then he looked like he turned into the black creature before shifting away.

"That thing isn't even real." I laughed grabbing the boy and making sure to bleed him out to make a trail. I want a challenge tonight...

Some enough after my meal I waited in a tree to see if anyone would bite.

Sure enough a group of girls were sprinting through the snow. They all stopped. "Bobby?!" a girl squeaked.

Tears falling down her face.

I jumped down pulling my hood down to show my greying hair. "This is Terrific.." I purred grabbing a piece if 'Bobby' and throwing it into my mouth.

"Want some?" I asked as they all slowly started to back up slowly. I cut a rope a loop ensnaring them and hanging them upside down.

"Please were sorry!!! let us go!!" a girl screamed. I tied her hands along with the others. Throwing the rest of 'bobby' into the fire I had made.

"What are your names?" I asked as a girl stared at me petrified. "Lucy Lin Lavender and Luck..." A considerably calm girl said.

"Which one of you are Bobby's girlfriend?" I asked wiping my knife on the petrified girl. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she fell unconscious. "Me." a girl choked out beside the calm girl. I nodded. Throwing my knife as it embedded into her chest. Reaching her heart she died instantly.

The two other girls started to sob.

I looked at the calm girl. Narrowing my eyes I cut the rope, "Have a seat you have much to learn." I laughed at her. She cleared a spot for her to sit and closed her eyes. "You must be Luck." I suggested she nodded her eyes still closed.

I grabbed the unconscious girl and tied her to a few posts letting her rest over the fire. Until she turned to a bleeding and half charred crisp I set her in the snow.

The other sobbed. "PlePlease don't." The girl cried. "I'm serving my guest dinner I guess that makes you raw." I laughed starting to skin her breaking off several twigs.

Putting them over the fire. As the unconscious girl woke up. Her screams filling the air of the entire forest. I smile at the calm girl she looked disrupted. I throw her my knife and she looks at me. "Go on." I point to her screaming friend. She hesitantly walked over to her screaming friend.

She quickly killed her. "Your unspeakably calm,which means you most likely the more sane version of me..go on home now." I smiled at her. I handed her a stick of her cooked friend. She pulled off a piece and chewed off a piece.

I noticed the strike of fear in her eyes.

"Your truly a survivor to pull off a calm sense of Being a 'pyschopath' but since you ate you friend I will let you live." I wave her away.

She nods and stiffly walks away.

I watch as tears fall into the snow.

I picked up my knife and out in its holster.

"Your cruel I like you..."

The voice said with a sinister metal ring in its voice. I put out the fire leaving everything for the police tomorrow. I stood up pulling my mask and hood up and walking off.

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