Chapter 3 Private Session

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Dr Dawn Rose's Pov)

I yawned as I entered the private Session room. It had a carpet,a nice coffee table several lamps and a nice smell of lavender. The only thing off putting was the cage and yellow line that divided my space from Heathers.

I looked at the case file. Just one page of information the rest,seemed like I didn't exist. Dr Will really was sly. Looking up to see Heather enter from a door inside the cage.

She was sat down and the door's hatched was locked tight. I turned on my tape recorder. "Last week we spoke about Dr Green,now lets talk about before Mount Massive,lets talk about the HighSchool Massacre." I suggested.

Heather looked up,her chains clanking against the metal on the floor. "Why did you kill all the students?" I asked carefully. Heather seemed in deep thought. "Me and my sisters were the bullseye all the students and the teachers wanted to hit." She explained.

"How did it make you feel when you killed them?" I asked. She adjusted the chains on her sleeves. She wasn't in a straight jacket this time. "I hadn't realized I did anything, until I was already done my last thought before I had blacked out was how the students always chose us three,the poor family to pick on." She sighed.

"You had a seizure last visit,do you have epilepsy?" I rose an eyebrow. As she stretched her hands and arms. The chains making an annoying racket. "No but they were induced by the flashing light room." Heather stated carefully. "What is the light room?" "It is the room where they tie you down and have these bars of light and constantly flash them." She answered quickly.

"It's a form of treatment, I suppose." I shrug. Looking at the masked and blinded Heather. "Why do you have that over your eyes?" I pointed with my pen towards the leather strap around her eyes. Heather touched the leather with a well manicured hand.

"Humans are terrified of my eyes." She chuckled. Humans?! "You do not believe your human?" She stood the chains stretching as he leaned against the bars. "There is much you don't know Dawn." She said amused. Was she messing with me?!

With that She was grabbed by the guards and dragged away. She didn't fight. So much for the 'private' session.

I stood up and left the room and headed home....

It had been a long day. I wore my pajama clothes. Jumping on my bed and closing my eyes for sleep....

I felt agony as I looked up to see a drunken man laughing hearing screams of two other girls then my maniacal laughter as I slashed at the other kids in school.

I enjoyed it. It felt great to release all my pain. Make the others feel, let them know I am not to be played. Because I am the player,they are my pieces and everyone in the world are my pawns,the world is the chess board....

My vision flashed and I felt several flashes over and over. Only getting brighter. "This will let her forget." A dark voice soothed. I couldn't close my eyes as I felt the flashes. Hearing two other voice soothing me telling me I was alive. That everything was okay and I need only wait.

I shot up sweat rolling down my face. My hair clung to my face drenched in a cold sweat. My chest heaving. My god! I yelled inside my head writing everything down in my journal.

Something was horribly wrong. I was living in Heathers mind. How?

"Because you know how she thinks,you believe her that she has sisters you just need some more tests and time,but Dr Will, will only let you so far. You know what she'a going through,because you've been there before."

A voice in my head warned me. I looked to see an orange bottle.

Popping in two pills. I let out a sigh pushing the covers off of me and jumping into the shower.

Heather is being honest,but why. Why would she tell me that there was so much I didn't know. I need answers. I just couldn't have an episode. I need I be in control.

I need to figure our Heather. I need her journal. I stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel and drying my hair. Looking over to see the keys to her cell,and the key to the asylum.

Dressing in a black hoodie black jeans and black shoes I grabbed my pen and notebook rushing to my car.

Dementia (Pyschos CreepyPasta Sequel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang