Before I knew it, all of the painting was done now all there is left is to leave it to dry, I left the bathroom and joined Ally and T in the bedroom "Done" I sighed out "Good job girls, thank you so much for the help I do appreciate it" I added "Aww A her name looks amazing!" I added noticing that Ally wrote Ava's name on one of the walls in a light purple "Anything for our niece" Ally smiled out "Exactly what she said" T stated making me and Ally chuckle "now what? just wait for the paint to dry?" T asked out "I guess" I shrugged out "I don't really want to move in the big furniture until it's dry just not to nick the walls or something" I added "Then why don't we start with the small stuff that we can bring in now while we wait for the paint to dry for the bigger furniture?" T suggested "We could do that" Ally agreed with T "Okay let's go find out where the boys put everything, must likely in the living room so they don't have to do the stairs so many times" I giggled making the girls giggle and agree.  We walked down stairs to find the living room emptied, "What?" I stated out loud confused "What's wrong baby-girl?" Tony asked me as he entered the house with boxes in his arms, a few other pack members following him "Where's all her stuff?" I asked him "It's all in your room so it's not far for us to grab when it came to unpacking" He informed me take me by surprise, I did not think he would of thought of that "Aww thank you" I smiled out at him pecking his lips "Anything for you and that princess" He smiled out "How's the painting going?" He asked us "All done" I beamed out at him holding out my two hands to the girls to high five "That was quick!" He stated "How does it look?" He added "It looks good" I told him as we started to walk back up the stairs "Ava did come in and saw it but I sent her back downstairs to our moms" I added "Well let me put this down in your room and I'll come and see it" he smiled out as we entered my bedroom, I saw that all the boxes were placed in what looks like groups "Oh yeah I kind of organized the boxes into groups, bathroom boxes, stuff for dresser or closet to bed/bed set" he explained
"That would make it easier to grab" T chirped in "Exactly what I was thinking, I am hoping the faster we can get this done the faster I want to try to get him back here to see and completely finalize this" he stated "Me too" I agreed "Come see" I added smiling and taking him by the hand and leading me over to Ava's bedroom "Like it?" I asked him as he looked around then went into her bathroom and took a look.

"You girls did an amazing job" Tony complimented us "Who did Ava's name like that on the black wall in purple?" He asked "I did" Ally pointed out "I figured she would like it" she added "Oh I defiantly agree with you" Tony pointed out "I think we should put her bed over there that way her name is over her bed" he added "To be honest I was thinking the same thing" I agreed just then my mom popped into the doorway "Ohh looks lovely, I really like the colours" she gasped out "Thanks mom" I smiled out "Just letting it dry then going to unpack" I added "Well then while it dries why don't you guys wash up and come down for dinner, its ready" she informed us then walked off back downstairs.  We washed up our hands then headed back downstairs, entering the dinning room to see the food already set out and everyone already sitting down. Me sitting in my regular chair Ava was on my left as Tony sat down on the other side of her,"How's it coming along?" Sophia asked as we chit-chatted through dinner "Quite good actually" I informed her after I finished chewing the bite I had in my mouth "The painting is done, now just waiting for it to dry then going to start unpacking" I added "You don't want to rest for tonight and do that tomorrow?" My mom asked "It's already 6:30" she added "Yeah and I want to sleep in your room one more night" Ava pouted out "Okay fine" I sighed out "I have some paperwork I need to catch up on for someone's birthday party anyway" I smiled out at her.

We finished our food then me and Ava helped my mom and Sophia clear the table, once we were done that Ava, my mom and Sophia filled me on what they had planned out so far "Wait, why am I down on there as the singer?" I asked them looking at the paper "I heard that you can sing really well, so I was just wondering and I was going to ask you if you could sing at my party?" Ava softly stated more like asked "Oh I don't know baby" I sighed out "I haven't sang in like years" I added "But why not!" she responded looking upset "apparently you were really good" she added "She is really good if not the best I ever heard" My father stated J nodding his head in agreement "Okay, okay I will see" I sighed out making Ava squeal in excitement "Thank you momma!" she squealed out "Your welcome baby" I chuckled out.  We chatted for abit longer before I told Ava that it was time for her bath then brush teeth then bed, Ava said her goodnights to everyone then me and Tony walked with her up the stairs and to my bedroom.  "Crap I forgot that your mom put all of her clothes in the washer for us while you were painting and I was unloading" Tony stated "do you want to start bathing her while I run down and get them?" He added asking me "Yeah that's fine" I smiled out then walked over to my bathroom with Ava, "Do you want a bath or a shower?" I asked her as I walked over to the tub "Um....a bath please" she answered me as she started to undress as I started up the water. I made sure it wasn't to hot for her before putting the plug in for the tub to fill then helped Ava into the tub, "Momma?" she called out as I grabbed the cup from beside my sink (my nightly water glass) to use to pour water on her "Yes baby?" I asked her still not used to being called momma "I just wanted to say thank you for adopting me and standing up for me" She responded "Ava you don't have to thank me" I told her as I knelt beside the tub again "Any right minded person would be blessed to have a daughter like you blood or not and in this family that doesn't matter" I added truthfully "I am happy that you did" she smiled out at me as I turned off the water then grabbed the soap "I am happy that we did too" I smiled back at her then started to wash her hair.

Not even ten minutes and she was done now she was just playing, "How's it going?" Tony called out from my bedroom "Good, she's done just playing for a few more minutes" I responded to him just then Ava stands up and pulls the plug herself "I'm done" she smiled out as she placed the plug on the side of the tub and hopped out on the matt I have placed right in front of the tub "Can you pass me a towel?" I asked Tony as he walked in with a towel in one hand and her pjs and panties in another "Alright" I sighed out as I dried her off with the towel before helping her get into her panties then pjs she then rushed over to the sink to brush her teeth. We left the bathroom leaving the light on for Ava just in case for in the middle of the night, Ava climbed into my bed as Tony got comfy on my bed as well to read her a book while I brushed her hair. Once he was done reading the book and I was done brushing her hair we both said goodnights to her then kissed her head before turning off the light to my bedroom and as we made our way to my balcony keeping the door open just abit.  "Come sit" Tony stated as he helped me to go sit "You look tired" he added as I sat down and light up a smoke "I am tired" I chuckled out as he lit one up too "Do you want to go to bed?" He asked me "Not yet, give me a few more minutes out here first" I sighed out "Can I ask you something?" he asked me taking a puff of his smoke "I might have an answer" I joked out at him making him chuckle "I have been meaning to bring it up to you but with everything going on it completely slipped my mind until now" He sighed out "When you were in your coma, I was talking to your dad and Jeff well about us" he informed me "What about us?" I asked him confused "Nothing really bad just how we are both Alpha's and I was thinking on mentioning to you about combining packs" He stated "That would make everything easier and eventually it will have to happen since we are mates" V stated in our mind through our link "I guess eventually it would need to happen" I stated blowing out my smoke "But we are going to need a bigger pack house" I added chuckling Tony chuckling with me "That we will" he chuckled out "I was talking about this with a pack member of mine he's into building houses and stuff, and he says it would be some work but we could take our two pack houses and combine them into one big ass pack house" he added "That way we can run our pack together like a true Alpha King and Luna Queen" he finished "Luna?" I asked him confused "I ain't giving up my Alpha title" I added firmly "Okay sorry, how about Alpha King and Alpha Queen?" he chuckled out "Better" I mumbled making him laugh even more "What would we even call the pack?" I added "I was thinking and it's only a suggestion but I was thinking either the Black moon pack or the Blue star pack" he suggested to me
"I like them" I sighed out "which one do you like more?" I asked him "I don't know" he sighed out "I like them both" he added "I like the sound of the Blue star pack" I stated "and no not because of my hair" I added making him chuckle "Then the Blue star pack it is" He smiled out then chuckling
"With us adding on to this pack house, is that going to ruin Ava's room?" I asked him nervously "No it shouldn't" he stated "but let me check with my guy first" he added "Well in the mean time, lets go to bed" I sighed out as I slowly stood up then we made our way inside to join Ava in bed.

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