Kailey's P.O.V

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I woke up the next morning due to the sun beaming through my window right into my eyes, "I swore I closed them last night" I groaned out as I pulled my blanket over my face to block the sun out "You did but when it's 4 in the afternoon and I heard you have been sleeping all day instead of doing what your supposed to be doing I figured hell naw time you were up" J stated from somewhere in my room "Now get up" He added chuckling "I don't want too" I groaned out "I understand that Lynn but you need to get up and do you strength workouts since you missed them earlier or do you want to go back to where you couldn't walk anywhere alone or needed to be carried?" He asked which I just groaned too "Didn't think so now let's go get up, plus didn't you want to talk to dad today too?" He added "Have I told you lately how much I hate you?" I stated uncovering my face glaring at him "I know it's just your crankiness because I woke you up and wont let you go back to sleep so yeah one- get up now and two- I love you too" he smirked at me then left my room stating something about Joe's, Groaning I get up and make my way over to my bathroom to do my morning routine.

After I finished up in the bathroom I exited and made my way over to my closet figure what to wear, still feeling tired and like shit I decided to go for my black jogging pants that says spank on my butt it was a joke from Ally one year for my birthday because when we first met she told me that due to my butt being really big she considers it a spank butt, yup apparently my butt has that spank butt look whatever that means. I decided to match my light blue wife beater muscle shirt with it and my black zip-up hoodie that says 'where's my girls at?' on the back another gift but from T, I quickly pulled on my blue ankle socks then my blue and black pumas before walking out of my closet grabbing my black puma hat on the way out. Walking over to my vanity while fixing my hat I sprayed myself with my perfume then took one last look at my self in my mirror, look like a gangster female but hey whatever I don't give a shit what people think really with that thought in mind I then left my room locking my door before heading downstairs.  "Well good afternoon" My mom chirped at me as I walked into the kitchen "Hi mom" I sighed out grabbing a glass "Okay how did you wake her up?" My mom asked J "I opened her curtains" J shrugged out "Babe" Ally exclaimed "There was nicer ways you could of woken her" she added "I know" J smirks at me "It's her punishment for missing her strength lesson" He added "I am going to make up for it" I snapped at him "But first your taking me to Joe's" I pointed out at him "Done deal" He shrugged "but your going to work it this lesson" He warned me "Good I need to get stronger" I stated "Just don't push it okay?" My mother stated worriedness in her tone and eyes "Don't worry mom, I know my limits and plus J here won't let me either" I told her making J chuckle "You got that right mom" J smiled out "I know her limits too and never let her pass them" He added "Good because she can be very stubborn at times" My mother chuckled with me "I wonder where I get that from" I stated out loud "From your father" "From your mother" both my parents stated at the same time making us all laugh "You ready to go?" J asked me as he got his laughter under control "Yeah let's go, my girls you coming?" I asked them referring to my sweater "Yeah I could use some Joe's right now" Ally smiled out as her and T hopped off their stools and we left the kitchen.

"I am just saying J if there is a next time think of a different way other than opening my curtains that's just cruel" I stated as we pulled up front of Joe's, "Okay, okay fine but there better not be a next time understand?" He responded "Yeah I get it" I sighed out as we all hopped out of the truck "Just wait till he is sleeping in I'll open our curtains on him" Ally stated hitting her elbow against mine as we entered Joe's "Come on babe, I love you" he stated as he hugged her from behind making us both laugh "Oh now it's not so funny eh?" Ally pointed out giggling me giggling with her till I saw a group of people sitting at a booth off to the left my giggling stopped instantly. Sitting in that booth was Tony's parents, Rosa, I think the other two older couple are Rosa's parents and Tony, they were all sitting up in the booth all together Rosa sitting beside Tony.  "Lynn?" J calling my name pulled me out of my staring "Are you okay?" He added "U-u-uh" I stuttered out looking back at his, Ally and T's confused faces then cleared my throat "Yeah why?" I asked him "You went quiet all of a sudden, I call your name a couple of times before you responded and you look a bit pale now" J pointed out "How would you react or feel if you saw your mate with his parents and another female also with her parents?" I stated then nodded my head towards their booth my anger rising more and more "What the..." Ally and T gasped out which caught their attention or at least I know his anyway because he looked right at me his eyes going wide
"I need to get the fuck out of here" I growled out turned around and left Joe's restaurant ignoring the calling of my name and the pain in my side.
"Lynn" J called out after me "Talk to me" he added as he finally caught up to me "What do you want me to say J?" I snapped "HUH" I added yelling
"I know your pissed and hurt-" J started "You don't know how I am feeling J, but I will be fine" I stated then headed to the back forest "Where are you going?" He asked me "You know you can't shift yet your not strong enough" he added "I might not be right now but V is, she can at least get me to the pack house" I gritted out as I kept walking "What about after? when you shift back?" J asked me "Kailey wait!" I heard his voice call out "Fuck off Antonio" I growled out and kept walking 'Don't look back' I kept telling myself "No baby-girl WAIT!" He yelled at me "FUCK YOU" I yelled back turning around "Who do you think you are talking to me like that?" I snapped at him "You have no right or card to speak to me like that, if I don't want to talk to you then I don't have to talk to you" I sneered at him "I wanted you to stop to hear me out, to let me explain" He sighed out "I don't give a fuck if your the Alpha King Antonio" I growled out at him "I'm the fuckin Quinta but yet you don't hear me going around speaking like that to people" I snapped "Wait, what?" He rushed out his eyes going more wide "Yeah there is a lot of things you don't know about me and now I guess you never will" I spat out at him "Goodbye Antonio" I sneered then shifted into V ignoring the pain and took off running not caring what direction we were heading too.

The White Wolf Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora