Chapter Ten

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                                                                                                           Antonio's P.O.V

It's been a month since I have seen her in that restaurant she won't answer my calls or texts, When I go by either she's sleeping, in a meeting or not home. Pablo and I are going crazy with the need to see her, "You okay son?" My father asked me "you keep zoning out" he added "No I'm not dad but yet there is nothing I can do" I sighed out pushing the paper work away from me "I am just wondering one thing son, why didn't you tell her?" He asked me
"I never had a chance too" I told him sighing "They got in trouble and almost suspended from school I met with the principle worked it out then I came straight here to discuss it with you and find an appropriate punishment for it then I had to do the paper work for it which I fell asleep half way through then I found out the next evening after school what like an hour prior to leaving that we were going out for dinner in their way of apologizing for their daughters behaviour which I didn't want to go too but you made me" I added "You could of called or texted her" My dad pointed out "And yes you were invited as well" he added "So? If I didn't want to go I shouldn't of had too" I responded "and I would of if I had my cell on me remember dad I couldn't find my cell till few days later, that's why at the restaurant when I saw her I ran after her to talk to her and explain but she refuses to hear me out" I added sighing "which I don't blame her after seeing me out with another girl who tried to kiss me and sleep with me in my office not even a week prior" I finished "To be honest son I forgot about the office incident" my father stated then sighed "I will go and talk to Kailey and explain everything" He added
"Dad you don't need too" I sighed out "No I do, I should of thought of it better and I didn't and I am the one that got you into this mess by forcing you to go to that dinner" he sighed out "I will talk to her and hopefully fix this" he added as he stood up patted me on the back kissing my mom on the cheek then left the pack house "Have faith in your father" my mom sighed out then left the kitchen me heading to the gym. Faith. One thing I am running out of, I am starting to think that I will never be fully happy with my mate by my side, cuddling, joking around, none of it, I kept punching the bag as more and more thoughts popped into my head. "Careful or you will throw out your shoulder or pop the bag again" I heard Adam chuckle out from behind me "Not the time" I huffed out as I kept punching "I can see that" He stated "Want to talk about it?" he asked "Why?" I snapped "There is no point clearly get's me no where" I added punching harder and harder "Yeah Kailey can be a very stubborn girl" I heard Tiff sigh "Look Tiff I don't want to sit here and have you think I am back talking my mate which I am not" I told her turning to face them "It's just...I miss her and need to see her and she wont even see me to hear me out" I added sighing "I know, I uh saw your dad as I was leaving to come here" Tiff told me "I sent him up with out checking with her, K can be stubborn at times she just needs a bit of a push sometimes" she added shrugging "Oh so you come and hide out here" I chuckled out "Smart" I added making them chuckle "Why don't you come out with us today?" Adam asked me "everyone is going to the beach" he added
"Nah I'm good but you guys go have fun" I softly smiled at them then left the gym in need of a run. 

Pablo ran and ran for I don't even know how long just letting all of our anger and frustration out, "We could make her listen to us" Pablo stated "Like Tiff said she needs a push sometimes" he added
"We are not forcing her into anything she doesn't want to do?" I stated loudly to make it clear to him "Loud and clear alright" he gritted out "Look I want to see her and talk to her just as bad as you do but forcing her isn't the way" I sighed out at him "I know" he growled out "I just want to see her" He added just then a flash out of the corner of my eye caught my eye "What was that?" I stated trying to see something or it again but nothing
"I don't know maybe another pack member?" Pablo suggested "I don't know" I responded unsure of what it was but this feeling that was creeping up on me I was not liking "I don't like this feeling and I don't recall having any pack member that can move that quickly" I added "Yeah I agree with that now that I think back on it" Pablo stated through gritted teeth still looking around but seeing nothing "Maybe we should head back? whatever it was it's gone now" I suggested "Yeah something's telling me we should as well" Pablo responded and with that he ran back home pushing himself to go faster. We got back to the pack house and shifted back to my human form then setting off to find my father, which I should of known better I found him in the kitchen "We need to talk" I stated sitting down in front of him "Everything okay son?" My father asked me worriedness clear on his face "I saw something in the woods" I told him "What did you see?" He asked me confused "I'm not sure it moved way to fast for me to see and I couldn't see it again but I know someone or something is out there and I didn't like the feeling it gave me" I informed him "What do you mean too fast?" My dad asked me
"Pablo was running and we were talking then next thing I knew I saw a flash go by out of the corner of my eye I stopped to see if I would see it again but nothing" I sighed out "I'll get a team out there and hopefully they can track whatever it is down" My father stated as he stood up while mind-linking
"I would like to go out with the team" I stated standing up myself "Fine but I'm sending Adam with you" He stated.

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