fifteen. -m

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text message

i swear to the gods i'm going to throw your milkshake in your face if you do that at mj's.

michael couldn't help but feel a bit panicked until he laughed, causing his friends to look at him weirdly. he noticed, telling them to shove off (though he used different words) and moved to the kitchen. they were waiting for their driver to bring them to the interview.

hmm. i don't know if i should take that threat seriously or not.

oh, take it seriously.

michael liked this fierce version of kay, it was... well, even he couldn't deny that it was hot.

alright. ;)

just then ashton came in, going towards the fridge. however, mike noticed his not-so-subtle glance towards his phone, which was still open.

"do you need something?" he snapped at his friend, who looked a little taken aback.

"no," ashton said, heading towards the lounge again. "but what's got your panties in a twist?"

mikey just huffed and returned to his conversation, having felt a buzz in his hand.

you're still going to do it, aren't you?

only if you make me. ;-)

he imagined her rolling her eyes but still with a smile across her pink lips - seriously michael, stop, he scolded himself.

*sighs* oh, all right.

you sound like hermione.

is that a bad thing?

no. i have a thing for bookworms. ;-)

you're obsessed with that winky face.

michael knew she would hate him after this.

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)


come on, i know you love it.


he bit his lip extremely hard as he pressed send.

when i flirt with you, of course. what did you think i was doing?

i dunno, i just.. i dunno.

a small half smirk formed on his lips as luke yelled that the car was there.

have i managed to render you speechless?

what? no!


mike tried his hardest not to imagine kaylee's rosy cheeks and found it nearly impossible.


i must say, i'm most surprised to know that flirting with you can do this.

i have not gone speechless, thank you very much.

oKAY. (hehehehe)

michael started having a giggle fit as he, luke, ashton and calum climbed into the vehicle. luke tried to peek over his shoulder but he simply moved closer to the window, typing away.

it's hard to be upset with you if you're going to do something like that.

WOOD you like me to stop?

this time michael's entire body shook as he tried, with great difficulty, to keep in his laughter. ashton whispered to calum that he thought michael might've been high, but calum whispered back that it was about a girl he was texting.

(emphasis on girl.)

ashton yelped and turned to tell luke, but stopped cold when he saw michael glaring at him.

"what did you tell him?" he asked the kiwi boy without taking his eyes off the eldest member.

"n-nothing." calum said, unaware that michael had heard. (they weren't very good at whispering.)

"okay," michael said coolly, trying to hide his smile because it reminded him of his friend. "but some advice, cal: next time don't be such a nosy twat."

calum gulped and nodded, slightly scared. but then michael's face broke out into a grin and he looked down at his phone, forgetting about his bandmates.

poor luke was left in the dark.

um... yes... wait, no. hold on, give me a moment.

he bit his lip again, feeling luke's eyes on him but not willing to look up in case he missed something.


what the hell does that mean?

yes and no.

but that's not an answer.

michael's head tilted to the side and luke awwed next to him; even he couldn't deny the older lad's cuteness at times. he resembled too much of a kitten.

um... i dunno. continue if you want, but i don't think there's many others.

we'll see about that. ;-)

again with the winky faces!

michael chuckled into his shirt sleeve as he noticed the buildings getting bigger as they drove further into downtown sydney.

i know you love them. ;-) ;-)

oKAY (ugh), maybe i do.

suddenly they were parking in front of a soundstage, and all the boys were climbing out of the car. michael was smiling like a goof and nearly tripped over a step, but ashton caught him.

"look up for a bit, maybe?" he joked, patting his friend on the back.

"yeah," michael said. "and sorry about earlier." he added in an undertone as they walked to wherever whoever was guiding them.

"it's fine," ashton smiled, showing off his dimples and michael smiled back, giving his friend a hug.

hey, we're about to do a soundcheck, text you in a few?

he sent to kay, hoping she wouldn't be upset.

yeah, of course.

k, ttyl.

michael, i'm sorry to say this but only white girls say that.

have you not seen how pale i am?

do you have a vagina?

*cue michael's eyes widening*

i'm gonna leave now.

good idea.


hehe puns

i'm so punny.


k bye.

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