nineteen. -m

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text message

i'm a few minutes away

kay had sent that at 1:56.

it was 2:03.

michael became agitated; what if she lied? what if she wasn't really going to meet michael, and he would be stuck outside sitting on a bench with a rose in his hand and a milkshake shop behind him?

michael sighed, running a hand through his blonde hair. he kept checking his phone and watch, and his eyes roamed around the sydney streets. he waited for kaylee, however beautiful she looked, to appear somehow, somewhere.

he would smile and check his breath, putting the rose behind his back. he would walk up to her, knowing it was her because they would make direct eye contact. michael would say something cute and flirty - michael was still working on that part - and she would giggle, blush, say a small "thanks." and look at the ground. mikey would smile, hand her the rose and tell her how beautiful she was. she would shake her head, and he would tell her that a dozen roses couldn't compare to her beauty, and then-

well, michael hadn't figured that out either.

he was still working on that part.

finally he grew so agitated that he decided to text her again.

kaylee? are you almost here?

yep. :-)

michael's worries began to melt away; she was still coming. she would be there soon. michael got nervous, rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans and popping a piece of gum into his mouth before quickly spitting it out; it was luke's, the one that was extremely minty and tasted like medicine.

he twirled the dethorned - he didn't want her to get cut when she held it - rose in his hands, his green eyes training on the pavement below him.

suddenly he felt the presence of someone next to him but he didn't look up, his mind was too clouded with thoughts of kaylee. he felt a jerk in his hands and realized the person next to him had taken the rose.

who the hell takes a rose?!

michael looked up to see a girl, but not just any girl. she was stunning. "thanks," she said, and michael took in how exactly beautiful she was; she had blonde hair the colour of michael's, pretty reddened lips, was wearing a cool top with jeans, boots and a flannel (always the essential) around her waist. she looked at him and blue eyes pierced his green ones, so sharp and blue, they could make a sky of their own.

"k-kaylee?" he stuttered and nearly smacked himself; there he was, a whole scenario planned out in his head and all he can do is freaking stutter her name?

she laughed a little, tucking some hair behind her ear. "yeah," she said, smelling the rose. "hi, michael."

"heyyy," michael said awkwardly, giving an awkward wave as well, and this time, he really did smack himself, before putting his head in his hands. "goddammit, i'm so sorry. this was not supposed to go this way. wow, i am really lame. fúck, i can't even make meeting a special girl unawkward and normal."

kay laughed again, and he marvelled in how beautiful the sound was; he adored it more, however, knowing he was the reason behind it. "did you have it planned a certain way?" she asked, her lovely voice filling michael's head and he nodded, not wanting to speak in case he said something stupid.

"why don't we go inside then, and you can tell me all about it."


i'd like to thank the academy.




insomnia ;; cliffordHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin