thirteen. -m

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text message delivered.

michael sent his last message to kay and knew straight away she wouldn't reply; even an insomniac needed sleep, or at least a little.

he set his phone on the table beside him, his thoughts drifting to kay. he tried to imagine what she'd look like, but at the same time was trying to stop himself from doing so. he wanted to be surprised when he met her, and he definitely did not want to ruin the surprise.

he heard the door open next to him and shuffling feet; calum was awake. he always did get out of bed first for some reason. michael counted to three, and as thought, his door opened.

the kiwi lad came in without so much of a hello before climbing into bed next to michael and laying his head on the pale boy's chest. it was a normal thing between them; they did it every morning.

they laid in silence and michael felt his eyelids get heavier. he knew his alarm was set in case he didn't wake up, so finally he got more comfortable with his friend and fell asleep dreaming of kay.

- - -




michael groaned and rolled over; what was going on? through half-closed eyes he picked up his phone after searching for it for a bit. he blinked a few times to get the sleep out of his eyes and noticed it was 10, which shocked him greatly. he had never slept this long without waking up.


i know you're probably asleep.

but i just really wanted to say hi. :-)

he smiled when he saw the cute messages from his female friend.

hi to you too, sweetheart. :-)

the now awake boy didn't know why he said "sweetheart". he also didn't notice that his conversation was being read over his shoulder.

sweetheart? are we on pet name terms now? :-)

eh, i guess it fit.

it seems it fit five hours ago as well. thanks, by the way. that was sweet.

michael felt heat rush to his cheeks, yet he had been the one saying the sweet thing.

what was wrong with him?

no problem. ^-^

michael rolled over onto his back, forgetting cal was there, so he was shocked when he felt a warm body underneath him. he quickly rolled off, laughing at the angry look on such a cute face.

so what's up?

mikey hadn't noticed she had texted him again. still laughing, he informed her of what just happened.

oh my gods michael! did you even ask if he was okay?!

are you calling me fat?!

the aussie did though, and apologized to calum, who simply huffed and stormed out, claiming he was going to cuddle with luke instead.

(he was kicked out within opening the door.)

no, never! but you could've really hurt him.

but i didn't.


he laughed lowly at kay's response but soon became nervous again; four hours. four hours until he met her. four hours until he met who, though he wouldn't admit it at that moment that he fancied her, would soon become his girlfriend.

so are you excited?

he asked her nervously, tripping over multiple keys and having to rewrite the sentence three times.

yeah, i can't stop moving around my house.

btw, i listened to some of your songs this morning.

michael began to sweat; she probably didn't like them. michael wouldn't be able to live if kay didn't like the music he and his band made.


the pale boy scratched his neck and played with the end of his shirt, even more nervous than before.

i really like them. :-)

michael let out a huge sigh of relief. she liked them. he was in the clear.

what's your favourite song?

he asked. he didn't know what he expected it to be, kay seemed as if she had differencing musical tastes.

i'm torn between good girls, the only reason and beside you.

michael smiled; he had made a song reference to good girls last night: check. he secretly adored beside you, because of calum (but don't tell him that or else he'll get a big head), and he had written the only reason, which was his favourite on the ep.

double check.

yaysies. ^-^

michael couldn't wait to tell her when she asked.

why so happy, gordon?


so yeah i have no idea how to end this and i feel like it was too long oops

guys i'm freaking out i got my schedule today and i just nOPE

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