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My bike's roared once I started the bike. It's swiftly moving and as a sport bike, it did makes me feels like I'm flying because I'm moving faster than I should. I loves the adrenaline I feels whenever I am with my boy on the road.

Tonight feels like colder yet a peaceful night. Well, at least to me though. The road is not having so much cars or even motorcycles tonight as if they are trying to gives me the road all to myself to moves with my boy.

Oh how I love to call my bike as my boy. I chuckles at myself at my own thoughts. Then, I make a stop at McDonald's since I suddenly got the craves for a burger and also Mcflurry Oreo.

I chose to just eat at the place itself than makes a take out and ate it at my home. When I entered the McDonald's, I do realise there is not so much of people inside and I couldn't care less though. With my tough appearance now, nobody could recognise me anyway.

I took my tray and sat at the back's corner of this place. I put on my earphone and texted my brother Redd what I've been doing while eating. Oh I'm multitasking right now, and how rare of me. I snorted and a small smile on my face.

I'm at McDonald's right now.

Bloody Redd Bro:
Oh my little sister is being kind that she wanted to bring me some.

Which little sister are you talking about? Because I'm sure I didn't tell you that.

Bloody Redd Bro:
Oh how sweet. Just bring me some burgers and large fries for me.

Magic words?

Bloody Redd Bro:
I will buy you a new book. Dammit, can't you just be a kind little sister for once?

If I did, that won't be a Scarlett Knight.

I laughed at myself lowly. I just loves to annoys him and I will do this for the rest of my life! I put my phone down and grabbed my burger, then I took a big mouthful of it. Oh gosh,this is heaven-

"Hey, can I borrow that hoodie of yours?"

How dare this person interrupted my heavenly moments?! I am really prepare to snap that person head but I totally stopped myself when I realised who that person is.

I gulped slightly at him. Yes it's a him and seeing his face is literally telling me that he is the 'problem' that you should stay away. But look what the God's plans are? The God decided for him to approached me. Also, asking a favour from me.

I glanced at my hoodie that I took it off earlier and putted it at my side. I looked properly at him again and before I could gave him answer, he snatched my hoodie and quickly wears it.

Not only that, he sat in front of me and took my fries from me. Now that's a lot of excuses for me to just end his life right now. Before I could burst my anger, I heard the McDonald's door being pushed harshly and I saw 3 guys with suits looking like professional bodyguards like in the movie came in.

They do makes all of us wonders and all eyes of curiosity on them but as an extraordinary person like me, I just look at them blankly (Actually I don't even care). Their eyes moving all around this place as if they are looking for something.

I looked back at him, that is in front of me now. He covered himself completely and eating my fries as if it is his. Then I realised, they are looking for him. And I wonder why is that. Yeah of course I'm kidding, why would I care anyway?

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