The moment she could, Phoebe ran to him, careful not to throw her arms around him. She had no idea how hurt he was. He offered her a small smile, although any illusion of happiness was quickly shattered by a painful wince and a clutch at his clearly injured arm. She furrowed her brow, lifting the cordial up to uncork it. Silently, she held it out to Peter, offering it to him. He nodded, and she ever-so-carefully poured a single drop into his mouth.

Phoebe silently thanked whatever gods there were because the cordial's effects seemed to be almost instantaneous. Peter stopped cradling his arm, he stood a little taller, and Phoebe could see the blood on his neck fading away. Now she could throw her arms around him.

"Good job out there," she said as he endeavoured to put his arms around her, "Now you just have to beat him." She released Peter, knowing that this small embrace couldn't last forever. He smiled slightly, but Phoebe could see the worry in his eyes. Clearly, he too was worried about what he would have to do next if things went according to plan.

"Let's hope so." The sound of hooves echoed behind them, snatching the pair from their small moment. Both Peter and Phoebe turned around to see Caspian and Susan riding together on horseback. Phoebe furrowed her brow once more, confused - where was Lucy? The two others dismounted, Susan running over immediately to join Phoebe and Peter. Edmund and Caspian were quick to follow. "Where is Lucy?" Peter's voice was rushed, concerned. His worry was evident.

"Don't worry, Peter. She made it through." Phoebe breathed a sigh of relief. Lucy was okay, or at least she had been when Susan and Caspian left her. She felt Peter relax too, as best he could.

"You should all get back to the base. The fight's nearly done, but I doubt the Telmarines will keep their word." Phoebe met Peter's eyes, seeing first hand just how serious he was. He seemed to be urging them to go. Even if she didn't want to, part of her knew he was right. Caspian was an exception - Telmarines didn't seem particularly good at keeping their word.

Susan stepped into Phoebe's place, hugging her older brother tightly. Edmund was next, and even Caspian clapped Peter on the shoulder with a hand. It seemed that regardless of the outcome, this duel had brought them all together a little more.

"Keep smiling, Pete. Look happy." Ed smiled at his older brother, and Peter attempted to return it, lifting his sword. The Narnian army began to cheer. Phoebe offered Peter a small smile as well, and once again he tried his best to return it. All of a sudden, a horn blast sounded. The battle was back on.

"What- what do you think happens back home if you die here?" Peter's voice was full of vulnerability, even as he stuttered over his words. "I mean, Phoebe, you might have died, but that was different. I just never- never really gave it much thought until now." He dropped his head, looking down at the floor.

"Save it for later, Peter. Once we've won." Ed grabbed his brother's visor, pulling the helmet down to cover his face as best it could, before he grabbed Peter by his shoulder, spinning him around and pushing him towards the battlefield. Once again, the Narnian army started cheering, the wave of people all raising their voices at once.

Phoebe blinked and the battle had begun once more. Peter was on the offence this time - he struck, Miraz parried. Neither one of them was gaining any ground, but still, they continued. Peter swung wildly, but he must have gotten lucky, for Miraz' sword was suddenly out of his hand, the sheet of metal bouncing uselessly nearby. Gasps came from the Telmarines, and Miraz let out some kind of guttural release of anger.

Peter was fighting with a renewed vengeance now, and Miraz could only defend using his shield as Peter struck time and time again. Then, Peter's neck was snapped back by Miraz' elbow, but he retaliated, recovering and driving his foot into Miraz' injured leg. The Telmarine leader groaned, dropping to the floor and calling for some form of respite. It was only then that Phoebe realised not one of them had moved from where they stood.

"It's not the time for bloody chivalry, Pete!" Edmund cried out from beside Phoebe, and Peter seemed ready to strike - but he hesitated. Phoebe gulped. What was he doing? Peter looked over to them, and his eyes seemed helpless. There was movement behind him, and Phoebe glanced to see Miraz getting up to his feet, lifting his newly gathered sword to strike. Panic choked her.

"Peter, look out!" She screamed, and he swivelled, knocking Miraz to the floor once more, stabbing him underneath his arm with one well-placed blow. The leader sank to his knees with a pained groan. STILL, Peter hesitated to strike.

"What's- what's the matter, little king?" Miraz winced with every word, clutching his side. "Too much of a coward to take a life?" Miraz spat at Peter's feet, and Phoebe recoiled.

"It's not my life to take," Peter said, turning to face their small gathered group, "Caspian. This is your responsibility." Caspian stepped forwards, and Phoebe could see that his hands were balled into fists at his side, practically shaking.

She didn't know if Caspian had it in him to kill his uncle. Phoebe knew Miraz hadn't ever been the best guardian to Caspian, hadn't ever been a loving uncle or father figure, had even tried to assassinate Caspian. Even so, she didn't know if he could do it. Caspian was gentle.

Either way, her eyes were riveted to the scene before her. Waiting to see how these final moments would play out.



its currently 12 at night

did i procrastinate by watching 'she's all that'?

yes, absolutely

also hey im so sorry these chapters are short as recently i keep procrastinating and then they're rushed

when i have time, i'll probably go back and edit/rewrite the parts i'm not as happy with


until next time (monday)

all the love, k xo

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