Chapter 5: Fixing What's Broken

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Itay's POV

i was sleeping peacefully until i was interrupted by someone knocking on my door. i decided to let the person knock for a bit more, maybe he will let me sleep some more. Unfortunately, that person was persistent and kept knocking on my door stronger and faster until i finally gave up, got out of bed and went to open the door. As i opened the door i saw Ash, for some reason her cheeks were red.

"Is everything aright Eliza?", i asked her trying to understand whats going on, but instead of an answer all i got was a red faced Ash, mumbling something that i couldn't understand while staring at me, i looked down and saw that i was only wearing my boxers i looked back at Ash and said "Give me a sec". I closed the door, put on my jeans that i wore yesterday and a t-shirt and went back to open the door.  When i opened the door i saw that Ash's face return to its normal color and it seemed that she could speak again.  

"So what did you want Ash?", she looked at me and just blinked for a couple of times, "Are you here Eliza?", i asked her, trying to get her to say something.

Ash:" Y-Yeah, sorry about that, we got training today so you need to eat now so you won't puke it all out during training later".

"Lets go to the cafeteria then", i said as i got out of my room, locking the door afterwards and started following Ash. As we were walking to the cafeteria Ash turned to me and started to talk to me.

Ash:" We had briefing while you were asleep".

"Did i miss something important or was sleeping the right choice in this situation?" i asked her as she giggled a bit.

Ash:" Fortunately for you, you didn't miss a thing, that briefing was about your bio". 

I froze on the spot,here i thought i could get away of knowing everyone's bio unharmed, but i still needed to know what Six told them about me so i looked at Ash and asked her "What did she tell you about me?".

Ash looked at me and said "Just the thing you would expect to hear about a new operator, his childhood, military experience and any other special events that happened during our service", i looked at her, disappointed from what i just heard .

"So she told you why i left the army", i looked her in the eyes, waiting for her to answer me, she just looked at me and said " Sorry for your Itay, this is the last thing she said to us". "could have been worse, at least she didn't tell them what i was doing when i was off the grid, maybe she doesn't even know about those things" i thought to myself.

"Well, lets go eat breakfast before its to late" i said to her and the rest of the walk to the cafeteria was just an awkward silence.

After a short walk we arrived at the cafeteria, only this time, it was packed with different operators, eating and talking to each other, just trying to have a regular morning while being a part of the best counter terrorism unit in the world. We entered the cafeteria and went to grab some breakfast, i saw that Ash was taking bacon and eggs and decided to go with scrambled eggs. We grabbed the food and Ash led me to a table where people were already sitting at,  i recognized Grace but there were two more people i was yet introduced too, one was a Korean man, from the same division as Grace, his name was Chul if i wasn't mistaken, and the other one was a blond muscular woman who go by the code name Valkyrie or Meghan when not in combat,I sat down next to Vigil and Ash sat next to me and we began small talking.

Time skip of a 30 minutes

Valkyrie:" So let me get this straight, at the last year of high school, you blasted porn from the school's audio system and you managed to put the blame on a different student?", "Sound about right" i said as i finished my breakfast, i stood up, grabbing my plate to throw away the leftovers when suddenly i tripped and fell on the ground, I looked up to see Lion laughing at me.

Lion:" well well well,  what do we have here, little Itay lost his balance". i just rolled my eyes and said "I had a good day so far, no need to act like an idiot and ruin it", on second thought i should have called him an idiot.

Lion:" What did you say to me?" he said as he pushed me backwards, "one more word and i will make you reunite with your little sister", i heard what he said and i just stood there, holding myself from doing something i might regret later on, i knew they wouldn't want me to hit him.

lion:"What happened, has a cat caught your tongue, or did i hurt your feeling talking about your precious sister, are you going to start crying about it now". "That's it", i said to myself.


I looked at Itay, i couldn't understand how he just stood there and listen to Oliver make fun of him, until he said something he shouldn't have said.

Lion:" I guess its a good thing they died, that way they would have to see you like that, can't even stand for yourself and stop me", and at that moment Itay snapped, his face went from calm and relaxed to pure rage.

Itay:" Ben shel zona (Son of a whore in Hebrew)", he leaped forward, punching lion straight in the head, making him stagger backwards, "you will join your unborn son before i will join my family, he said as he kick lion in the stomach.

Lion:" That it, you are going to die right now" he said as he pushed Itay backwards, managing to hit a left hook on his head.

Itay didn't leave him hanging, he fainted a right hook into an uppercut, which lion managed to counter, elbowing Itay straight in the jaw, while Itay was recovering from the hit, Lion grabbed a knife from the table next to him and was ready to go for a stab until the doors to the cafeteria opened up, reveling a very angry looking Six.

Six:" Lion, To my office right now". Lion dropped the knife and looked back at Itay and said "you got lucky this time" and started walking towards Six's office, while Itay started walking out of the cafeteria, i saw that his hand were shaking, even though he didn't show any weakness fighting Lion, he was still hurt from his words, so i decided to make a move, i followed him.

I kept following him until we reached his room, where he entered the room and closed the door after him, I went closer to his door and saw that he didn't lock it. I slowly opened the door and saw Itay, sitting on his bed, holding a picture while tears are rolling down his cheeks.

I slowly approached him until i was close enough to see who was in the picture, it was him and a young woman hugging and a sign behind them that says "Happy Birthday Gabriella", i tried to approached closer but he heard me and hid the picture inside his pocket.

Itay:"What is it Ash?" he asked me, holding back his tears, his hands still shaking.

"She looks beautiful, Is that your sister?", i asked him, he just nodded.

Itay:"Thanks", he said, taking the picture out of his pocket again.

"We are a big family, we are here for you, I am here for you", he turn to me and hugged me tightly. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until he loosened his grip and we broke the hug.

Itay:"Thanks,I appreciate that , can you give me a couple of minutes so i change for the training?".

"No problem" i said as i walked out of the room and he closed the door after me. "He is a broken man, he will need help getting over her death, and i will be the one to help him" i said to my self as the door opened and Itay walked out, he looked at me and smiled, like he wasn't crying 10 minutes ago.

Itay:" Ready to go?", he asked me.

"Yeah, let's go, we got a lot of work to do".

A/N: 1400 words, i didn't think i can possibly reach this number of words in one chapter. anyway, thank you for anyone that read the book so far, i can't tell you guys how much i appreciate it, and comment if you like long chapters or short like this one. That's all for today and i will see you in the next chapter, bye.

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