Chapter 2: The Meeting

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As we were walking towards Itay's house, we all had a feeling like we were being watched, we kept looking around just to be sure we are in the clear.

When we arrived at his house, I prepared my launcher to breach the door when maxim told me to hold on a sec, he picked up a note that was next to the door.

Kapkan: "Here you go Ash, its written in Hebrew", he said as he handed the note to me.

"The note says: Hi there team rainbow, please don't blow up my door, its not even locked, somewhere inside my house there is the last clue to my location and don't worry about my house, I didn't place any traps there, I don't intend to kill you, just play a little game of hide and go seek. Ps: if I find out that Grace was snooping around my locked things, I will not be happy."

Dokkaebi:" I have no idea what he is talking about but let's start looking for the last clue".

"alright team spread out and look for the clue".

After half an hour Echo ran to the living room screaming "I found it".

We all met at the living room when Echo opened the note and instantly handed it to Dokkaebi, she opened the note and saw that half of it is written in Korean.

Dokkaebi:" the note says that we have to solve those to mathematic problem to get his location but its not written in Korean, one of them is in German and the other one is in French".

"Then let's head back to the base so the French and the German will solve this problem".

Location unknown

Itay's POV

"they should be here in a couple of hours so I should probably get ready for their arrival", I said to myself when a smile appeared on my face. I put on my chef hat, grab a tomato and a knife and started cutting it, waiting for my guests to arrive.

Time skip: the team arrives at the base

Dokkaebi POV

Me and ash went to look for to specific people that we knew could solve those problems, we headed straight to the cafeteria because it was lunch time and they would probably be there.

When we entered the cafeteria, we saw the two teammates we were looking for: Monika and Emmanuelle, also known as IQ and Twitch.

IQ:" Hi guy, did you find the new recruit yet?"

"almost, but we need you two to solve this problems", I said as I was handing them the note.

Twitch:" we will get right to it, mean while you should go grab, there is a new chef and I think you will like him".

"Ok then, talk to you in a bit", I said as me and ash went to grab lunch, I grabbed a cheeseburger with fries and ash grabbed Caesar salad. While I was grabbing some coke to drink, I saw that Ash was staring at the new chef.

I walked to Ash and said to her:" Someone is having a crush on the new chef". Her face instantly turns red and she started to walk back to twitch and IQ.

Ash: " Shut up, you have no idea what you are talking about".

Me and Ash sat back next to IQ and Twitch and we started to talk about the clue.

"So, did you guys solve the problem yet?"

IQ:" We got the answers to the problems but its just two random numbers, we don't know what to do next".

Ash:" let me take a look at them"

IQ handed the numbers to Ash, she looked at them and then said:" I think I know what they mean, they look like some sort of a location on the map" she said while taking out her phone and entering the numbers, suddenly her face went into total shock," according to those numbers, Itay is inside the base.

"we need to tell six about it right now", we all got up and ran to six's office, while accidently bumping into thatcher and making him fall on his ass.

Thatcher: " what is wrong with you ladies, what's the rush?"

Ash:" we need to go tell six that her new soon to be recruit some how broke into the base".

"And that Ash has a crush on the new chef".

Ash:" Shut up Grace".

Thatcher:" we didn't hire a new chef".

"So, who was the guy cooking at the cafeteria?"

We all instantly looked at each other and started to run back to the cafeteria, when we entered, we saw him sitting next to a table with what seems to be a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs.

Itay: "Took you guy long enough to figure it out".

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