No Gift, Only A Wish

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The glistering beams of the sun poured across the tiny village in Kalos. The sunlight that bounced off the blanket of white, forcing the eyes to squint and blinding every person to set their attention upon the view. The sky was as clear as the eye could see, nothing preventing to look at vastness of the universe located right above our heads. Shadows of the leafless trees cascading upon the reflective lights. Somewhere nearby, the cold that could not reach it's goal would fall from the height, and seep into that below, leaving it's mark.

Once again, we were fortunate to be gifted with the joyful holiday that came to visit yearly. The holiday to bring happiness all around the globe, bringing all together for a wondrous time to celebrate all that had happened in the last twelve months. Friends and family travel from the regions of the world, to all meet up and share the stories of those twelve months separated apart from each other. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos and far beyond, still yet unknown.

What was I doing at the time you may ask? Simply staring out of my apartment window. Looking nowhere. Nowhere, only looking for something very specific to soon come down the road. I curled my arms, hugging myself. Merely seeing the image of the outer atmosphere sent shivers down my spine. The tips of each finger reaching the peak in the low temperature. My hands had not been the only ones cold, even my body for that matter. It had all grown used to the patience. Wait, was all that was needed. This suffering feeling, it will eventually leave and a new will come to take its place. 

I wanted the old feeling to return, that which had not been a part of me for a while now. The beating infatuation taking it's course through me. Yet that had soon disappeared. The old feeling, that had been clung onto since the dawn of time, being kept ablaze due to a single promise. The fire was still lit, however with each passing moment, that fire was dying down. Running out of energy. There needed to be something added upon it, keeping it going. My mind was the air, while words were the wood placed upon the embers. Words, all but from a promise from someone.

Everyone had been asking me, the question that filled the minds of all children around the world at this time of year. "What do you want this year?" I had nothing to have need of. Everything was at place, and nothing more was needed upon the painting. Nothing but a spot that had been torn off, and had hopes of soon being redrawn. There would be gifts given out. I had no such desire for a gift. All I wanted, begged for and needed was that one wish to be fulfilled, for that blank spot on the canvas to be once again repainted. Adding onto the beauty of the entirety.

The morning before the special day they would call it, the day that the annual dinner was set upon and after came upon the one that all gifts would be bestowed to those who had deserved them. I had recently awoken, tired and exhausted, pushing myself to get out of the massive bed to carry on with the day. The presence that once took it's lay was absent again 'Why does it take so long...'

Hesitant at first, I had eventually decided to pick up the device and rang two of my closest friends. Dawn and May. These two have been the most supportive over the last few months. I don't know where I would be with out them. "Since it is the joyful holiday, I thought why not have a christmas party?" I asked through the phone, the squeals that soon echoed the room had already revealed their answers. I could tell that both of them were excited for the party. 

"Totally Serena, I'm glad you're able to do things like this again." Dawn said to me, a hint of relief in her voice. "Where will the party take place?" The other asked with curiosity filling her voice. "It will take place at our apartment" I said, with a slight grin. Not fully focusing to the call, as my mind was elsewhere, I seemed to have missed out on an argument between the two. "Serena, are you sure you want the party to take place at your apartment?" A worried Dawn cried out, I nodded even though I knew they couldn't see "I'm sure. Don't worry. I'm sure that he will be there" I said in confidence 'Or at the very least, I hope so.'

No Gift, Only A Wish (A Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now