Ch 16

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I sigh sitting down on my couch with Sophia at my feet playing with the plush butterfly I bought her.

I licked my lips running my fingers through my hair, my face falls in my hands.

"I....I didn't plan on making this video, ever but I... I want to address everything from the past couple days"

"I should start off and introduce you too, the best thing that could ever happen to me, shes a blessing, I've only known her for a short while, and I wish I had from the moment she was in her mother"

"I don't be crying y'all I swear" I tear up, "she has the cutest little giggle and she's always smiling".

"This is Sophia, she's about 1 and a half and she's the sweetest cutest kindest little girl ever" I turn her around and squeeze her gently.

She talks to me in her language laughing and kicking and waving her hands like a happy baby.

I smile and laugh as another tear dropped, she chewed her fingers looking at me for a second, she noticed the tear and made a sad face and began to cry pointing at my eyes.

"No no no baby don't cry mamas okay" I smile, her cry ended immediately and she claps.

It was adorable awwww I say kissing her, "your my baby" I say hugging her again.

She reached for my face grabbing my nose, "can I have one?" I ask turning my head.

She tried but ended up licking my face a little, "thank you baby" I smile sitting her down on my leg .

"How could you not fall in love with some thing so-"

She began yelling and clapping her hands and laughing she's sooooo adorable.

"Mommy's talking princes shh" I say tickling her little belly.

"How could you not love so-" she cut me off yelling again and clapping.

"Quiet baby" I say kissing her cheek.

She talked back bitting her fingers.

"Don't talk to me like that" I say spinning her around so we're face to face.

She grabbed at my face yelling again, "excuse me?" I say furrowing my eyes brows.

"Who do you think your talking too?" I question.

She closes her fists opening it and closing it over and over.

I get up and make her a bottle, we got a little system for hungry or I'm just a baby whisperer.

I sit her down in her little chair, Cooper shoots down the stairs as she continued to scream, "Okay I'm coming baby" I tell her, she doesn't exactly like him yet so she starts crying curling back as far as she could.

He kisses her hands picking up her toys from the floor, "cooper" I called getting him away from her the louder she cried.

He loves the little babies so when they cry like that it stresses him to the max.

I squirted it on my wrist making sure it's not to hot, he comes to my feet whining and crying.

"Aww it's okay baby boy" I say petting his head and kissing him.

"Here" I hand her the bottle picking her up, she drank it peacefully.

He sits his head on my leg next to her feet and she kicked him in the head and started screaming crying.

He whined and cried rolling over and playing dead.
I gasp, "look what you did" I set her on the floor next to his body as he laid still with his tongue out.

In between the lines Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant