chapter 7

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a.n. i wrote all of this 2 years ago and am just now posting it so if the author's notes are like outdated!!! it's coronacation right now so i can write a ton.

I woke up to see Morgan sitting on the edge of the bed, fully clothed with wet hair.

"Good morning, Cam!" she said when she noticed I was awake. "It's already 10, so I've done my workout and showered. It's about time you got up!" she laughed, hitting my leg in a playful manner.

"I'm so tired," I grunted as I dug my face into the pillow.

"I bet you're experiencing an awful hangover. You drank a shit ton, I've been there. Let's go out and get some coffee," she suggested with a smile, and to that I got out of bed. She also opened the blinds, so I didn't have much of a choice. Morgan lended me a pair of shorts and t shirt since I had no intention of dressing remotely cute.

We got in the car and began backing out of the driveway, but I couldn't stop replaying last night's events in my head. Regret ran through me; it was all my fault. I asked him to go upstairs. I led him on, he was just angry I didn't follow through. I'm such an idiot. I need someone other than Morgan to talk to about this. I love having her support, but she is way too positive. Maybe I could talk to Leo.

"What's on your mind?" Morgan asked to interrupt my thoughts. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders, not sure how to respond. So much was on my mind, but I didn't know how to let it out. I'm not much of a crier, so even breaking down last night was surprising for me. I guess I've just never experienced anything slightly traumatic, so it was kind of surreal for me. I just hoped everyone could forget about everything that happened and we could move on.

To interrupt my deep thoughts once again, Aly's phone began to ring. "Will you answer that for me?" she asked, so I picked her phone up from the cup holder to see that Noah was calling. I answered it, putting it on speaker so she could talk to him.

"Hey Noah, what's up?" she said.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to ask if you know what happened to Cami at the party last night? She looked pretty shaken up and told me she'd text me, but I never got anything." Shit, I told him I'd text him. And I couldn't use the excuse of not having his number, he gave it to me on Friday at school. "I heard something from Bradley but I don't think it's true. Well, I don't want to think it's true."

I immediately pressed mute on Morgan's phone. "He can't know I'm with you," I tell her. "I want to know what Bradley said happened." She nodded in response and I clicked unmute.

"I took her home last night, she just cried the entire car ride home but didn't tell me anything," she said into the phone, looking at me as I nodded. "What did Bradley say happened?" By this point, we had already pulled into a parking spot at the local coffee shop, which I'd been excited to try since we moved here.

"He said she was completely shitfaced and was forcing herself on him, even though he kept telling her he was uninterested. That doesn't seem like a Bradley way to react and that's why I called you." I was completely awestruck. Does he do this to everyone? Spread rumors to disguise himself? I thought this would be a fresh start at a happier life, but Bradley was ruining that for me.

"I don't believe a bit of that. Cami has never done anything more than made out with someone! Why the hell would she try to get with someone like Bradley? Especially when she spent the whole night with you," Morgan angrily yelled into her phone, and I immediately grew embarrassed. Now Noah knew that I was a virgin in every way possible, great.

"I don't know why Bradley would tell everyone that then. Would you please try to text her and make sure she's ok? I know I've only known her for a few days, but I'm worried about her, and I'm sure you are too. You seem to really like her," Noah said, causing me to blush and Morgan to smile like a freak, despite her anger just a minute ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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