chapter 6

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The thought of drunkenly losing my virginity to Bradley, who I've known 2 days, would seem completely insane to sober me. But everyone has drunken hookups in high school, right? I wouldn't know. I would've asked Morgan, but I knew she would tell me how awful of an idea it was and to 'stop drinking'. But I didn't care what Morgan had to say right now, even though, in hindsight, I probably should've.

"Hey, Cami. How's the party?" Bradley's deep voice interrupted my thoughts. He released his tight grip on my hips and grabbed a red cup, which I assumed was his, from the table beside him. I kept a grip on his arm with one of my hands and took a drink from my 4th or 5th beer with the other. Maybe 6th beer, I didn't know, to be honest.

"It's..wonderfuul," I responded, trying my best to not show how drunk I was, but clearly failing. I then grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the coolers saying, "Come get a drink with me!" He didn't have much of a choice but to follow me, though, due to my tight grip around his hand. Once we reached where I thought the coolers were located, I looked around in confusion, drinks nowhere to be found.

"I don't think you need any more to drink anyways," Bradley laughed. I could tell he's had a few drinks, maybe as many as me, but I also think I'm a lightweight?

"That's fine," I said back to him, slightly annoyed. "Do you, go upstairs or something?"

"Mmmm, I'd love to," he replied with the tug of my hand, heading towards the staircase. I was sure there'd be an empty room, there had to be at least 7 bedrooms in this house. As we walked, well, he jogged and I stumbled, up the wide staircase, I immediately realized what was about to happen. Bradley has had to have had sex with multiple girls, and I had never even made it past second base with someone. I'm going to embarrass myself is what I should have been thinking, but I instead loved the thrill of this all. That was definitely drunk me speaking.

When we reached what I though was Bradley's bedroom, he opened the door in a fast, swift manner, pushing me inside, slamming and locking the door behind us. He then grabbed my hips as I wrapped my hands around his neck and pushed me against the wall, wasting no time. He brought his face closer to mine, lingering for a second, causing me to contemplate what I was about to do once again.

Not wanting to wait any longer, he brought his lips to mine. I was expecting the kiss to be rough, but it was soft and slow. If I had any real feelings for him, I would have enjoyed this a lot more. But that doesn't mean I didn't want this, I did. In an urge to speed things up, I returned the kiss, but it was harsher than what I received. I slipped my tongue in between his lips, and he did the same. He pulled his lips away, attaching them just below my jaw, and sucked harshly, surely to leave a bruise. My breath sped and deepened, causing him to suck harder on my neck, going down to my collarbone.

As he continues to kiss my neck, Bradley brought his hands to the front of my waist, untucking my shirt and unbuttoning my jeans. His hands slipped into my jeans, feeling me through my underwear, but as he moved them aside and made contact with my bare skin, I took my hands off his neck and put them on his chest and push him away. "Slow down," I whispered, slightly out of breath.

Without an answer, he shoved me against the wall with more force, attaching his lips to mine once again, but I was now unable to get away. I tried to push him away once again, but he was forcing his lips to mine, without the intention of letting go anytime soon. He pushed his hips up against mine, pinning me against the wall to the point where I was in pain. In a panic, I took my knee and hit him in the balls, making him back away immediately, grabbing his hurt area. I thought I had enough time to leave, but I was instead met by his hand grabbing my arm tightly, pushing me against the wall again.

"What the fuck?" he yelled, releasing my arm but not backing away from me. "You fucking said you wanted to do this!" His voice was intense, but he managed to stay relatively quiet, in attempt to not bring unwanted attention to his room.

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