Chapter One

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Hogwarts was the school my whole family would go to, and this year was no different. I was extremely excited, because this year was my turn. It would be my first year attending Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

It was always my dream to go to this school, so when September 1st finally arrived, I bolted out of bed before the sun was in the sky.

I ran out of my tiny pink room and into the room across the hall.

"James! James! Wake up, wake up, wake up! It's September 1st!" I screamed as loud as I my tiny lungs would allow and jump onto the bed, shaking my older brother.

It was his fourth year going to Hogwarts, and he clearly didn't share my excitement. He groaned, turned around and brought the blanket up over his head.

"Wake up, James!!" I continued. Still, he refused to move.

Before I could think it through, a plan popped in my head and flew out my mouth, "James! Mom said that you have to get up, now! You've over slept. We're leaving in 20 minutes!"

Faster, than would be deemed possible, he jumped up and ran to his closet.

"Get out Lily, I'm getting changed." He mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his brown eyes. I held back a grin, flounced out of his room and shut the door behind me.  Good thing he didn't realize that I'm still in my pajamas too. I thought as I ran into my room to change.

As quick as I could, I threw on a loose blue shirt and a pair of jean shorts. I started brushing my wavy red hair as I left my room. I could hear James rummaging around in his room, so I took my time entering Albus' room, which is to the right of James'.

Slowly, I crept through the dark and tried to find his bed. Oomph, I tripped over something on the floor. I was just a Gryffindor banner, so I kept going. Out of all three of us, Albus had the biggest room, which always annoyed me. I can barely fit more than my bed in my room.

Finally, I reached his bed and was close enough to steal his blankets. However, I was not going to be the one to wake up Albus. Cautiously, I lowered myself onto his bed, snuck under the covers, and hugged him while he slept. Now, I looked toward the open bedroom door and waited.

It only took James about ten minutes to discover his mistake. He must have finally looked out the window or at a clock, for the sun was barely visible. I felt like it had been forever before he appeared at the door frame.

"Lily, get out here right now!" he whispered and glared at me across the room. I shook my head, my red hair gently hitting Albus.

"Lily..." he warned and started creeping toward me, "If you don't get up and walk out of this room right now, I will make you."

His voice started to rise in volume, causing me to giggled at his stupidity. He got angrier at this and stalked toward the bed. He was stronger than me, but I knew he wouldn't really hurt me, so I remained in the bed with my unconscious brother.

He walked right up to me and gripped my arm. I held onto Albus, even tighter.

"Let go of Albus, or I swear to God, I'll hex you!" He raised his voice and pointed his wand at me. Albus stirred and started to wake up.

"Now see what you did! You woke him up!" I whispered.

Now he lost all of his patience and didn't hesitate to yank me right out of the bed. Unfortunately for him, I was holding onto Albus so tight, he fell onto the floor with me.

Fully awake, Albus shot up, grabbing his wand and glasses.

"What the hell!" he exclaimed.

" I was getting her out of the bed, and she pulled you with her!" James tried to explain, but let his anger out on him instead.

"When you shouldn't have been disturbing her in the first place! She was perfectly fine before you came!" Albus' animosity grew and the tension in the room shot up ten fold. I smiled and slowly started to back away.

"She disturbed me first! It's not my fault she dragged you into this!" James got into his face.

"She didn't! You did, by pulling me off the bed! It's barely seven o'clock!" He screamed back at him. He pointed his wand at James, and I took that as my cue to leave.

I ran down stairs and started scrambling myself some eggs.  It's so much fun making my brothers angry. Plus, it woke them up. Now they can celebrate the amazing day with me!  I can't wait for Hogwarts!

Hey guys! This is my first fanfic, so if I mess up on something or am inaccurate, please comment and I'll fix whatever I missed.  I hope you enjoy this story. I genuinely love Harry Potter and I completely ship Scorily. I am still young and am inexperienced, so I'm sorry if there is bad grammar. Constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated. Please enjoy❤️

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