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It was vivid.

I remember everything like it was yesterday – how her eyes would close and a smile would form on her face when she eats good food, and how she would move to that silly wave dance and invite others to join in on the fun.

I remember her silhouette, her petite figure, how it felt like touching her hand, her smell, her voice. I never forgot.

"Don't look at me like that, DiDi. You're creeping me out," she said, jolting me out of my deep reverie.

"It's because you're too slow. Give me that," I said and took the knife away from her hands.

We were in the kitchen, helping out with the cooking. The others have been assigned to clean the rooms.

This is technically the first time we've been left alone since she arrived in Arxan. We have been bickering non-stop and although it sounds weird, I really missed it.

Or maybe I just missed her.

"I'm not done yet! Give the knife back, Wang He Di," she said.

"We're not gonna get anything done with the way you're chopping everything," I said, obviously teasing her.

I knew what I said meant physical beating from her, but I didn't mind. As expected, she kicked me behind the knee after I uttered those words.

She smiled. "I didn't know you're good at this. You never told us you can cook," she said.

"It's not important. Yue, we filmed a drama, not a cooking show," I smiled back.

She sighed. "When can I ever talk to you seriously?"

"Here, just help me stir the soup," I handed over the ladle to her.

"Why are you giving me the easy task? I wanna chop the vegetables," she protested.

"Shen Yue," I called her name. She looked at me, her brows arched together.

"Just because you want to do something doesn't mean you should do them," I said while smiling.

"Whatever, your honor," she rolled her eyes at me.

Then we went on to do our tasks. I finished chopping the vegetables while she kept stirring the soup.

All of a sudden, she squealed in pain and pulled away from the pan. By instinct, I dropped the knife that I was holding and practically ran towards her.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

She was clutching her left hand, blowing breaths to the visibly-red patch of burn below her thumb.

"I-it's nothing big, it's just the shock. I'm sorry I screamed," she said while forcing a smile, all the while looking obviously hurt.

"You're hurt. Let me have a look at it," I said and tried to check on her hurt hand, but she moved away.

"No, I'm fine. It's nothing, really. J-just do what you're doing I'll just put some ointment, it'll be alright," she said while slowly moving backwards.

But I walked towards her and managed to grab her hand. "Just let me have a look at it," I said.

I held her hand and surveyed the wound for a few seconds.

"It doesn't look serious, we'll soak it in cold water for five minutes then put aloe vera gel afterwards. It's not going to scar," I said, feeling relieved.

She was silent for a few seconds before saying, "So you're also a doctor?" she said while smiling.

"Come on, we had to learn first aid when I was still studying in the aviation school. That's all," I said, suddenly feeling shy.

Nocturnal Reveries: A DiYue One Shot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now