Sun and Moon

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Prequel to 'The Socks".

It was a particularly chilly night.

The skies were dark but the stars lit up the skyline like little gems put up for decoration. Dylan went outside to take a breather, but was startled with a shove that almost pushed him down the metal stairs of the Earth house.

He felt someone's little weight sit down beside him. "You're oddly quiet," the voice said.

He knew it had to be Yue Yue. He looked and there she was, looking completely different in this light.

The moon was right behind her, but it was as if she became one with it because of the glow she radiated. She had her hair in a half ponytail, her fringe parted, and she wore that ridiculously comfortable-looking red sweater. She was looking at the sky while her feet dangled in the air.

"Why are you out here without your coat? It's too cold in here. Wait and I'll get it for you," Dylan said.

He was about to stand up but she caught his left hand and told him, "Don't. I'm fine. Just stay here with me."

They just sat there for a few minutes. After a while she asked him, "What was that all about?"

Yue Yue turned sideways to look at him. His head was bowed down again like he did much of the livestream. "That shove was for retribution, by the way. Seeing that you kept on pushing me towards somebody else," she joked.

They had just finished watching the first episode of the variety show they were both in.

"Shen Yue.." he said apologetically while looking up and meeting her gaze.

"I know we don't have a choice but you didn't have to go that hard on me," she said, pretending to sound hurt.

"I just.. what would you have wanted me to say then?"

"Nothing that you didn't really mean," she replied. "Unless of course you meant that."

"It was a joke. I was just trying to show them what kind of relationship we have," he explained.

"'Take her away?' I mean, that's just sad, isn't it? Even if it was just a joke," she said while smiling and looking above.

"Come on, you didn't really think.." Dylan said. Yue Yue looked at him and smiled.

"DiDi, I was just kidding. Calm down," she said.

They were both silent after this. Dylan noticed that Yue Yue's ankles were exposed because of her folded jeans and low socks.

"But it's sad, isn't it?" Yue Yue suddenly said. "I mean we are friends, but somehow in this show's narrative, I have to be somebody's "crush", and you have to be the good friend who introduces me to that somebody."

He looked at her and his chest hurt. He loved hearing her thoughts. He wanted to talk to her all the time. He missed her. He wanted to teach her things, cook for her, be playful around her, take care of her and just.. be with her. But it wasn't easy. Not when it's not who they're supposed to be in the show.

"I don't know, I mean it's just ironic that we're filming a reality show and yet we're not even allowed to fully be ourselves. I think it's better when we were filming our drama, we were playing a role but it wasn't our real selves playing those roles," she said.

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