The Best Gift

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"Tears are weird, aren't they?

They come unannounced, but you know they're coming anyways. They can either be a sign of a terrible moment, or a symbol of overwhelming joy. But the weirdest is when you see someone cry — whatever reason it may be — and you just can't help but cry along with them.

There were three specific moments where I can vividly recall me feeling this way for you.

Once was during that gift-giving moment when you sat up from your seat and tried to hide your face because you probably felt hot tears starting to form at the rim of your eyes. Those tears were threatening to expose your sentimental feelings from receiving that LeBron James gift, so you tried to prevent them from falling down.

I sat there across the table, unaware that I was smiling from ear-to-ear. I had just received my own gift which I loved so much, but for some reason, I was happier seeing you react that way, knowing it was the best gift you've ever received in your life.

It took enormous effort on my part not to bring out that green and white polaroid camera and start taking snaps of that glorious moment. But I opted to take it all in with the best camera available — my own eyes.

And so you cried. You cried and tightly embraced the boss like a baby, which most of the time you are. You were so happy. No, you were ecstatic. You were euphoric that you probably hugged that frame when you slept that night.

I remember exclaiming 'Wang He Di is crying!' as my reaction when I actually saw tears fall from your eyes. You were sniffing while hugging the boss, and you held that piece of glass like your life depended on it.

It was beautiful, and enough to make me tear up too.

It was also a good cry, because it was a happy cry. It was one those times when you are so touched with the sight of something that you smile while you're wiping the tears in your face. It was euphoric for me, too.

But I also firmly remember that night because of sad tears that we both shed for our grandparents. Mine was that of yearning, but yours were of regret. You told that story with so much heart that you took a piece of mine when you finished telling it.

You were sobbing and trying to cover your face. Your lips shook while you were speaking and again, I sat there across the table just listening. I had to restrain myself and the urge to stand up and caress your back to comfort you.

But as much as it pained me to witness that, I was also grateful to have that image of you eternally etched in my mind. Because in that moment, gone was the boy who always had a plan. That mental picture of your moment of vulnerability, of the crying Wang He Di who poured his heart out — that turned out to be the real prized possession I earned from that night.

Lastly, I can still perfectly picture exactly a year ago when you went on your knees and decided to have me baby you for the rest of our lives. I was seriously worried the entire time you were proposing, because I thought you would die from crying so much before you were able to pop the question. Thankfully, you didn't.

I know very well that you're not really into reading, but I've written so many letters for you over the years that it only made sense to compile them and give them to you as a present at some point. I guessed we've reached that point.

Happy 30th birthday, babe. I hope this present beats that LeBron James gift you received 10 years ago. I love you, Wang He Di."

The room erupted with hoots of laughter and claps of encouragement after Shen Yue read the preface of the book she gifted her fiancé for his 30th birthday.

It was a compilation of all the letters, poems, essays and lyrical words she ever wrote for him (or for them), spanning at least a decade. She decided it was time to finally publish it as a book — all 300 pages of it — since they will get married next year.

She was standing beside him while he was sitting down, his left hand carefully wrapped around her waist. She looked down at him, touched the side of his neck and saw his piercing gaze fixated at her. He was teary-eyed, and that's when she knew that she succeeded. This is now the best gift he has ever received.

He stood up, hugged her then softly whispered to her ear the words: "You're wrong. You are the best gift I ever received. And I love you more." (End)

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