Our Own Little World

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We haven't seen each other in three months. We both had been shooting for our new dramas so when I learned that we were going to be in the same airport in the same span of time, I knew I had to see him.

I miss him. That loud, quirky personality of him. His smirk, his piercing stare, his comforting touch. I wouldn't lie, the idea of seeing him again in person, the thought of hugging him and holding his hands made me so excited. I miss that boy.

He insisted that we shouldn't deliberately see each other. Airports had always been impossible for us. He always literally gets mobbed by girls – especially nowadays – but I told him I wanted to see him. He said he misses me too, but don't want me getting mobbed along with him. Plus, the media is surely going to be abuzz with relationship rumors if we get photographed together in the airport, outside of professional commitments. But I insisted on seeing him, "We'll make it work, we always do," I said.

He caved, like he always does. He agreed but said that we should be careful and just see each other in the parking area before we go inside. He will be there earlier because of his flight, so I said I'll just meet him there.


Then today came. He's been texting me about his schedule for today, "I wish we can just board a flight to Paris and finally take a picture in front of the Eiffel Tower. I can't believe I'll see you again after three months. Let's make the minutes count 😉," he said.

I smiled. My sweet boy. I'm so excited to see him. "We're here!!!" I messaged him.

Not a minute passed and the door of the van opened. There he is. He laughed upon entering the car, hugged me tightly, then planted a kiss on my head then my cheek. I buried my face in his neck. He smells so good, he smells like mine. We hugged for a few minutes in between murmurs of the words, "I missed you so much," "How are you?" and "I love you." I finally looked up at him and saw him crying.

I brushed the tears off of his face with my hands and then held it to my face, "Why are you crying?" I asked. He said he just missed me so much, and that it's so good to finally have me in his arms again. Then it was his turn to bury his face in my neck. My baby kept crying.

We just held on to each other. It's been like this for a while now. Dating is difficult as it is but imagine dating a celebrity, when you're also a celebrity. I always wonder how we managed to keep it going for years now. We barely see each other in person. In fact, we almost never do. So when fate aligns and we get to live in our own little world, we hold on to the key and try to live in it as long as possible.

But I guess time really slips quicker when you're with the one you love. Before it was time for him to to go, we took a few pictures then he gave me a bracelet. I asked what it was for, and he said "I had that made for you last month. I wanted to surprise you for the anniversary of the day that we first met each other. It's inscribed with the date. But our schedules won't allow us to meet, so I just kept it."

But I told him I didn't get him anything. He just looked at me and said, "Not true, I got you today."

My God, he looks so charming. I cupped his face with both of my hands and planted a kiss on his lips. My sweet boy. After a few minutes of holding on to each other, my manager finally told us that it's time for him to go.

He stared at me for a good minute as I was pouting. "I love you," he said then hurriedly went back to his car and into the airport.


We waited for a while before we went in. As expected, a swarm of people had already formed around him when I saw him inside. It wasn't long before people started to recognize me too. We were literally both surrounded by people. With cameras.

I looked at him from afar and decided to send him a text message. "I wish you could hug me right now, in front of all these people. I still miss you ☹️"

The fans were murmuring that he's over there, and that maybe I should say 'Hi' to him. I was smiling and fighting the urge to oblige at the same time. Dramatic, but I really wanted to run to him and hug him. He gives the best hugs, I could never get enough of them.

When I looked back in his direction, he was already gone, but the people were still there. I have to act cool or the people will notice. He must have boarded his plane already. I felt a tinge of pain. How long till I see him again?

Then the swarm of people weirdly started moving. Fast, like they're trying to keep up with someone. I looked and saw him. He was walking fast. Towards my direction. Our eyes locked and I turned to stone. This is not the right time to cave, Wang He Di.

But it was too late. He stopped where I was, held my hand and hugged me. Tight. I buried my face in his chest. Then he kissed my head and my ear. The fans were screaming. Everyone was trying to capture the moment.

"It's been so long, let's not hide anymore," he whispered into my ear.

Then we broke our embrace, looked into each other and smiled. It was my time to cry. Now the world knows. He wiped the tears in my face then put his right hand in my shoulder. I embraced his waist, and we walked like that, entirely focused on each other's presence, in our own little world.

The look in our eyes spoke of the looming headlines tomorrow, but our hearts were breathing sighs of relief. After two years, the world will finally know.

"Maybe we can still have that picture in the Eiffel Tower within this year after all," he said.

We will. We definitely will. (End)

A/N: Initially posted on Twitter October 11, 2018.

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