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Julius IS NOT GOING TO lie, the eye of death is not pretty, has always been quite a visit and his thirst for more will eventually quench in his coffin.

Yes, his powers are more or less a personification of death himself and he's always more than ecstatic to swing that goddamn scythe. He can't die too, not even for the death of himself. Sure, iriginite will debit just a piece of cake to shut his existence down, he has the fulcrum to his finis. It's simple, a barter componenting critical chunks of his memories and his life. I am G-d, he withdraws his head from the desk and checks himself out. A reasonless grin tugs on his face open to a laughing bout, only the Joker can parody.

Mr. Archibald starts to take sizey, sleek strides up to the farthest end of the class where Julius's part of the world dwells. "Did I say something funny, Sullivan? Because I'm pretty sure this is APCC which stands for Chemistry Class not EP Comedy Central."

His midnight waves are slicked backwards to an opposed frill, going taut like that of one of those Angry Birds. Yes, Julius can remember now and it belongs to the blue, swift one. But should he even have hair? His name is Archi-bald after all. And the crescent recess in his headline qualifies that already.

Somehow does this manage to spill the mentos into his soda and he is up on his feet, whether on his will or not, that he doesn't know. He opens his arms wide and pulls Archibald's broad body into a hug, exclaiming the second time and reasonably louder that he's G-d, accompanied by more strange cachinnations. Hushed whispers like a tuning radio downs the class at this one boy's statement.

"I am G-d." Julius slaps his chemistry teacher's shoulder blade before snaking out of his seat. Throwing the class a mock salute, he walks out of the class taking occasional jolly jumps and leaving an entire horde of gobsmacked scholars in their own drool.

Nowhere is his exact destination but soon enough does he find himself in the girl's bathroom. Not that he gives a shit about protocol, he has never. He props his visage into the frame of his reflection.

So this is what they are all scared of. Strabismus and the image of an heroin addict. Slap his ass and call him Slatty because it's pitch perfect for him. His least favorite color shadows his eyes which have sunken deep into his quicksand skin. It's apparently dry and hollow but the difference is the alabaster shade. Catarrh and cold has planted Pennywise's nose into his face. It's not a nice getup and uglily contrasts his irises which are now shaded like wet beach sand.

"Who's the fairest of them all, Jules?" He pulls on his temple to reveal the thick, red capillaries webbing up from the floor of his eye socket. Any reasonable person would mistake his crusty lips as white wafers any day and his nonchalantly bounded locks free a stray down to his eyebrow.

All these with a possible dopamine addiction headline his issue and it's really unsettling the entire school as a whole. Teaching and non-teaching staff and the student body have laid several complaints over his erratic behaviors as of recent. He's disrespecting the teachers, he's disrupting the class, he's poses great danger to the students, blah blah.

It's barely a week to winter exams which explains why the school body has been so merciful in their dealings with him and the delay of the "temporary suspension". Who cares? His "psychological, physical and mental stability status" still isn't excuse enough to cease their offer to help him. The invites to the school's counselor, nurse and even therapist has been piling up to Kilimanjaro but of course, he ignores them as they come.

It's been two weeks now since the accident. Or to put it in the Daily Sun's words, "The Miracle Accident". The autocrash that ended up with the ashes of an oil tanker lying over little Toyota Sienna and ultimately, the victims, well not really victims per say. There was barely a scratch on their skin. It was like they were never even in that car in the first place and they became superstars overnight. The contrary can be said for the tanker driver...

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