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*hey peoples this is a picture of Tora the main character* enjoy

First day and I am late, for goodness sake!! I jumped out of bed realizing it was seven fifteen already and the bus comes at seven forty, not a minute to waste. I ran in the bathroom took a quick shower brushed my teeth and covered my self with a well.......... black skinny jeans a white t-shirt which had the band name "WHY DON'T WE" printed on it and to give my outfit a complete look I wore white converse. I did not wasted time on beautifying myself just a layer of pink gloss and i headed downstairs but I had to stop midway to get my bag which I forgot to carry with me. So much for getting late wow!

"mom why din't u wake me up you know I am late right" I probably yelled at my poor mom who was sipping coffee very comfortably and looked innocent when I screamed at her.

"Sorry honey but u still have time Rickie said he had waken u already I should have know he was lying anyways i have packed lunch for u already just eat something before u leave" my mom said with a sigh and continued with her coffee.

"um ok thanks mom u not going today" i asked changing the topic and poured rice crispies in the cold milk.

"i have to go but i still have an hour dear which u don't actually have right now....... so get going.

it was already 8:35 i pushed my lazy self out of the house and was just in time the bus arrived exactly at :40 and finding my brother already there i got a little annoyed but did not mind leaving him this time. I spotted Anna in one of the seats and as usual she was humming to some tune. As soon as she saw me she screamed i mean actually screamed and for a minute the whole bus was looking at her even Mr. Heath our bus driver. He was a a mid 50 year old chubby man with a real good sense of humor he said nothing and smiled instead. I went over where Anna was sitting and as soon as my butt hit the seat she gave me a tight chocking hug.

"Omg u need to stop doing this girl this you know..... seeks a lot of attention"

"Oh come on Tora chill girl we were born to seek attention" she said grinning.

"Know what no one can beat u Anna you are GOAT*" i said passing a glare at my brother or should i say tried passing one he wasn't looking to be honest. We entered our very familiar school premises and in less than a minute we were standing in our corridor.after five minutes of looking around and spotting most of the kids we know, we headed towards our lockers and guess what Avery was already there with Kietha and Sean.

"catch up with ya later guys" Avery waved to both of them and came to me with a wide smile oh boy whenever she has one of those it means lots and lots of screaming and jumping.

"Hey Ave you are looking like a kid asking his mom to buy him one of those stuff toys and she just said yes and the kid is now happy" i said all this in one go and she laughed even more loudly this time and then the screaming and started jumping she spoke at once

"guess what i have a boyfriend" she squealed at top of her lungs "and he is........"

"um Ben i think"


"ok um let me think Samule" i said closing my locker and walked towards the field cause we still had some twenty minutes or so.

"no ok let me give u a hint i had a crush on him in sixth grade"

"oh u got to be kidding me Ave u had tons of crushes back in 6th grade" now i was getting annoyed. like actually!!!

"ok his name is Ch........."

"Charles................. omg u were................. i mean how what happened" i was really surprised, i mean i was speechless Ave had a big fat crush on him and now she is dating him wow....... life is full of surprises yeah it is no doubt now.

"OK" and she started "when i reached my locker it was somehow open so i got scared and when i actually opened it there was this letter with my name on it and i was supposed to met this unknown person at the cafeteria who is now my boyfriend or i should say soon to be we are going on a date this weekend. He was probably hiding his face with a bouquet of tulips....

"how did he no u liked Tulips" i asked curiously

"don't interrupt Aura" she said annoyingly

"oh sorry ma'am" i said smirking

"so that's where the best part comes he gave me the flowers and as soon as he removed them i freaked out and i was stammering like a freak after i recovered i asked him is this some prank or something and then he confronted and proposed me.......... he confessed that he had a crush on me since eight grade and he somehow now got the nerve to do this............... romantic right but now he really does want me"

"oh my gosh very cute indeed i am happy for u" i said giving her a side hug "u finally got what u want and look at me i am still struggling" oops i guess i said that out loud what was i doing was i trying to tell myself i am ok i am good with my girls i am happy with my not so perfect life all I was doing was just tryin make myself understand that i am good on my own god this thought takes everything away, far from me it takes away myself from me. I gotta stop i din't wanted any sympathy so i headed towards the class after waving back to Avery. Cause if she found out what all is going through in this little head but big mind of mine i would have to answer more questions than a average student answers in a test.

It was lunch now and i was sitting with my group on our usual table which was in the same place before the breaks and is still in the same place after the breaks. they never change our lazy school staff or whatever. The whole group was talking about there break and i wasn't enjoying a bit sometimes i can be real moody and i guess Anna noticed it so we went outside and sat on the bleachers bench and we started singing like old times and not very soon we were joined by our singing freaks David, Maria, Lindsay,Chris and Caren who is our rapper. I have to say she is good man but u know when you'er having fun time is jealous i suppose, the bloddy bell rang when we were about the finish GIRLS LIKE YOU

"argh!!" Maria exclaimed and went to her next class with Chris.

soon we all evacuated the place and headed to our classes. History was a bust man MR. Ray was pissed at Jake and the whole period we had to listen to Mr. Ray's comments and Jake's arguments. the school at last got over and i was waiting for the bus nothing exciting in my life was going on it was just me and me. Ha whom i was fooling all the time myself no one else that i was happy rubbish i need a break from all my ex crushes i never had a boyfriend but my crush list is never ending. Well there are guys who like me I guess but I can't always assume like I was doing all the time. I had to stop and I would somehow.

Hey guys hope you like this chapter the twist will come very soon so stay tuned. I hope u are liking the book till now hope can relate to it. To be honest most of the events are true. This is a fact experiences make good stories so one should not be scared of them just face them bravely cause in the end u lose a little but gain a lot which can change.

This is not edited so don't mind the mistakes and i am looking forward for a creative book cover hope u guys can help. have a good weekend guys

love u always :)

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