new mission

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( dream )

I was ready and everyone was cheering me that I'm going to space. I looked up and saw my beautiful space ship! I was finally going to space... until I saw them standing side me... my parents. " " I whispered in shock " come on kiddo! Let's go! " dad said. I was about to walk with them but all asudden I couldn't move " wait! " I yelled as I was trying to move. But I was too late, they gone on to the ship and blasted off.

( End of dream )

I woke up in fear with sweat on my forehead. " Y/N! are you okay? " luna asked, that she is awake now " i-I... I'm fine. Its just a dream. " I said. Luna nodded and we went back to sleep. It was morning. We got up, got out of our rooms and do our thing. My friends are doing there own things and as for me... I'm just sitting against the wall alone " hey Y/N. " I looked up and saw comet saying hi to me " hi comet. " I greet to comet " how are you? " comet asked " oh you know... just the same old. " I said with a fake smile.

Comet gave me that look that he can tell that I'm still miss them " do you want to talk about it? " he asked with a sad look and I nodded. Comet came and sat by me and explained " i had a dream. It's about my parents again, but this time it's outside the spaceship. I miss them comet. I know it's been 13 years, but I can't help by feeling like this. Sad, Alone and Depression. I just miss them alot. " i told him.

" hey I get it. I know how hard it is that you miss someone you lost. It's okay... no matter what happens. Your parents are always be here in your heart. That they always love both of you. Don't forget that. " comet said "... thanks comet. It really helps a bit. " I said with a weak smile " no problem. " comet said and left.


" The simian program started in the 1960s. And these chimpanzees are like the ones used in the first space missions. " Dr smothers explains about the chimps " When do they go in space? " the kid asked " Well, they don't. They're just exhibits of the past. " Dr smothers said.

Comet went to the computer area and turned on his camera. " Hey, what's up, Comet? " luna asked in curious " I don't know, but something big! " comet said in worry " What do you mean "lost"? " senator said with anger " Senator, the Infinity was drawn off course... by a magnetic attraction from a dimensional anomaly in the time-space continuum. "

" In English. " senator demanded " It was sucked into a wormhole." Dr Jagu " My constituents care about potholes, not wormholes. Do you know how many potholes we can fix for five billion dollars? " senator said. The scientists went back to the computer, and types in how much. " Area of the pothole.The power of three. " dr bob calculated " Multiplied by four. Cosine." Dr jagu calculated " Multiplied by seven. Carry the two. " dr poole said, and then" 50.6 million. " they said the answer " Depending on fluctuations in asphalt " " Labor costs. " "And overtime. " " It was a rhetorical question, brainiacs."

" Our data indicates the Infinity's emerged on the far side of the universe." Dr poole said " As you can see from this image... the Infinity has landed on a planet in a crater filled with H20." Dr Jagu explains " It means water. " dr bod said to senator. " I know what it means." He said, think that knows what water is. " Senator, if the atmosphere is viable, the planet could sustain life. " dr poole said " Maybe even an NFL expansion team." Dr bob said " This could prove what we suspected all along. We are not alone. Just think what a mission could do for science."

"Not to mention T-shirt sales." Dr bob said. Senator thinked for a minute, and then got a idea. " Political gold. I want astronauts over there pronto." Senator commanded " Not gonna happen. Too risky for humans. We don't have a clue how the wormhole will affect living tissue." Dr bob explained  " It could transmogrify the D.N.A., causing blindness." Dr Jack explained  " Heart failure." Dr poole said " Most likely, death." Dr bob said at last "Gripping."

Meanwhile at the chimps home, comet did something that there gonna be prepare for" Comet, what are you doing? " Luna asked "Getting us a mission." Comet puts there photo on the big screen and well..." We could send the chimps. " Bob suggested " Chimps? Chimps. Hmm. Not humans, but not horrible. Show me what you got." Senator commanded.

" Guys, we got a mission." Comet said. The scientists and senator are walking down the hall way with Dr smothers. " Senator, Titan, Luna and Comet are fully prepared for the mission. They have been training for this their whole lives. " dr smothers said, and showing the chimps working hard. " Training, shmaining. These chimps are boring! They're... chimp nerds." Senator said, thinking the chimps are nerds " Uh, technically, there's no such thing as nerds in the simian world."

" I know a nerd when I see one." Senator said " Do you think he means we're nerds? " dr Jagu asked, as he whispered to bob "No, no. We're super cool. " Bob said, in comfort " and besides. We did this once with 2 chimps, before... they were gone. " senator said, with a sad look " senator, I know it's been 13 years ever since. But it won't happen to these chimps." Dr poole said, comforting senator.

" i know. Its just that...we don't want to do that same mistake again. What this mission needs is some P.R., some sizzle to grab the media's attention. It needs a chimp with the right stuff. It needs someone like... him![ senator points at the picture of ham the first.] A real hero, with dignity and nobility. " senator suggested " He's been dead for 30 years." Bob told him. Until... " But he does have a grandson."

To be continued.

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