"Now that we know you're okay, lets check on the baby. Yeah?"

I nodded, biting my lip as she picked up her clipboard and excused herself, promising to come back with the supplies she needed. I sighed, looking at the spot next to the bed depressingly. I couldn't help but wish I had someone standing there holding my hand and telling me they were happy to start a family with me. I wanted them to hold me and tell me everything was okay and that our baby would come out looking gorgeous. I wanted someone to be as happy and ecstatic I was; preferably Jason.

But it did no good wishing things that wouldn't come true so I just sat quietly, swinging my feet back and forth until the doctor walked through the door holding a different chart in her hand and a pen in her hand along with a small bottle. She placed the bottle at the side.

"Sorry for the long wait". She said and I waved it away. She continued o tell me that she would ask me a few important mandatory health questions.

"Mr. O'connor I would like to remind you this is not the first male pregnancy in the world; in this hospital to be specific. I check our medical records and we've had successful pregnancies happen to men in this specific hospital, a few, but still successful so I don't want you to worry about it not being normal. We have trained doctors on standby when you go into labor." She said.

"Okaay." I murmured.

"Now Mr. O'connor, here it says you're into seven weeks already, have you experienced any migraines, abdominal pains, bleeding of the sorts, since we had diagnose you?"

I pondered the question. "Yeah I got morning sickness a few weeks back but it lasted about three days." I remembered, the vague memory of me crouching at the toilet puking my heart out had me internally cringing.

She smiled. "That's perfectly normal. And it hasn't returned again?"

I shook my head. "No, but don't jinx it." I chuckled out and she joined me, holding up two fingers and crossing it.

"Lets hope not." She said and asked a few more medical questions that I answered honestly. "Well that's it for now but I would like to do a sonogram today and check up on the baby, if that's okay with you?" She said and at my nod, moved to the other side of the bed bringing forth a small machine that had what looked like a TV on it.

"When will I be able to know the gender?" I asked while she plugged things in and tapped on buttons to program the machine.

"Er 18-20 weeks. Therefore, about four months we should be able to tell." I nodded and she guided me to lay down. "Are you anxious to know the sex?" She asked smiling kindly, gesturing me raise my shirt up.

I pulled it over my head and then gave a nervous chuckle. "A little. I know nothing about children, much less raising them." I blushed bright red. "I'm kind of hoping its a boy though, because at least he has my...parts. It'll be easier."

She laughed at my words. "You have a point but I can assure you both would take the same effort. I have four of them".

I winced as she applied the cold gel substance my tiny lumped stomach. "All different genders?" I asked curiously.

"All girls". She said matter-of-factly and I visibly blanched. She barked a laugh at the horrified expression on my face.

"It's a lot of work but I don't regret having them. Trust me, once you hold them in your arms you're never going to want to let go. I have one starting college soon, it breaks my heart but at some point you gotta let them go." I pondered her words as she placed the wand on my stomach, moving it around slowly.

There was a soft lulling whooshing sound echoing in the room. "Aaand there he/she is." She said her brows furrowed in concentration and then pointed to the screen. I glanced up at the screen, my heart heavy as I saw the extremely tiny curved body in a small hole.

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