"What's going on out here?" Arthur said coming downstairs to see the three, all frustrated.

Saffron's heart sank. This was going to be harder than she thought. She didn't want to hurt Arthur's feelings, but then again, had he been lying to her as well?

"I'm leaving, Mr Weasley. Thank you so much for your kind hospitality, but it is time for me to adjourn. I will said a payment of my stay in the post as I have very little on me now," Saffron explained, trying to keep her anger down.

"What, leaving? Why? You don't have to go," Arthur said.

"Whose leaving?"

Saffron's head turned instantly towards the source of the voice. Charlie.

She looked into his clear, blue eyes, his wet hair matted onto his forehead. He look so innocent, like he would never hurt her, but it was all just a cover up.

"You can't leave!" Charlie said, eyeing Saffron's suitcase and guessing who it was who was leaving.

"I have to," Saffron said, she wasn't even able to say his name.

"No you don't. Why are you..," Charlie trailed off, too flustered. He thought what happened between them the other night had meant something, but it obviously hadn't meant anything to Saffron.

"Because, this isn't my place," Saffron said.

"Your place is here," Charlie said.

"Please don't," Saffron out her hand up, signalling for Charlie to stop moving towards her. If touched her, she knew she would melt, and forgive him. But forgiveness wasn't given that easily by Saffron Hawthorn.

"Saffron," Charlie half whispered. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong, is that you lied to me Charlie Weasley. You fooled me into doing what you wanted me to do. You didn't care about me, you just wanted me away, so that's want I'm doing. Going away," Saffron said, surprised at how calm her tone had been.

"What did I lie about?" Charlie asked, wracking his brain trying to imagine what it was.

"You said that we were both going to stay in Romania. But only one of us was going to really," Saffron said.

"Who told you that?" Charlie asked, feeling outraged himself.

"We're sorry Charlie," Fred spoke up.

"Why would you tell her that?! How did you even know!?" Charlie asked the twins, raising his voice.

"Charlie calm down," Molly said entering the battle grounds. Arthur's face had turned completely white and he seemed relieved to have his wife there.

"I can't! Mum, Fred and George have done it again," he ran a hand through his wet hair.

"Done what?" Molly asked, avoiding looking at Saffron.

"They told Saffron that I was going to leave her in Romania and come back. They told her I lied-"

"We never said you lied," George interrupted but Charlie ignored him.

"Now Saffron wants to leave," Charlie continued.

"If Saffron wants to leave that's her own choice," Molly said.

Everything went quiet. Everyone was utterly shock. Saffron the least as she had half expected it, but never believed Molly would ever say anything like this.

"Mum?" Charlie asked.

"Saffron can believe what she wants to, but at the end of the day it's her choice," Molly's tone was calm, but firm, and Saffron could feel pieces of her heart clattering to the bottom of her stomach.

"I know you're angry at her mum, but she has to know the truth," Charlie said.

"Why are you angry at her Molly?" Arthur asked.

"Because apparently Saffron broke her promise," Charlie said. "A promise to keep me safe."

Saffron grew tired of being spoken about but not to.

"And I did my best, but it wasn't good enough. Another reason for me to leave," she said.

This sent everyone into an uproar.  Arthur asking Molly if this was all true, and was angry at me for this only, The twins trying to apologise to Charlie, trying to tell him what really happened but Charlie refused to listen.

Saffron just stood and watched until she couldn't handle it anymore, she turned around, Charlie watching her, silently pleading for her not to go.

"Saffron can just leave," Molly stated.

"No she can't mom!" Charlie yelled as Saffron's hand touched the door handle.

"Why not?" Molly asked, her voice beginning to raise, Saffron stared straight at the door as she listened.

"Because I love her mum," Charlie said.

Saffron's breathe caught in her throat. She wanted so bad to turn around and face him but she was completely frozen.

"You what?" molly whispered.

"I love her mum and you know it.," Charlie said, before directing his speech to Saffron.  "I'm sorry I lied! I just want to protect you. Please you can't go. Not when you have someone here who cares about you as much as I do.  Your place is here," Charlie said.

He didn't say a lot, but it still touched Saffron. Her heart was beating fast and she still couldn't find her breath.

The room was completely silent and Saffron tried hard to keep in the tears that had clouded her vision.

She turned her head behind her, she took one look at Charlie, who himself looked about to cry.

She couldn't do it.

Saffron turned the door handle silently,  looking back, confused as heck. Part of her was so furiously angry at Charlie and the other part was so in love with him. She couldn't do it.

She swung the door open and took a breathe before hurrying out and away from the Weasley's.

 GUYS I AM LIKE SO SORRY. It's been a week and two days since I have done a proper publish and I can't believe I left it for so long!

I just like to make sure that what I give you guys isn't complete rubbish hahaha.
I am pretty bummed that no one commented on their thoughts of Charlie and Saffron, but oh well I can't expect the world from you guys :)

Also, I've created my first completely not fanfiction and I was extremely nervous to post it, but I have, and it would mean the absolute world to me if you would check it out!!!!  
Link Below!!


You guys are the greatest much love! xoxo

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