•i'm not the alpha•

Start from the beginning

She knew Imogen has been taking Kol's death in a hard way. She knew she was hiding her pain from everyone. Klaus told her how she went through hell the first time Kol died. Every time she passed by the noirette's room, she could hear her soft sobs. Her heart would ache knowing she couldn't do anything to make the pain disappear, or at least ease the pain. She felt useless as her best friend and her sister.

Rebekah walked towards the nursery and peeked inside. She saw Imogen calming down Love and Hope. 'How much longer will you put up with this family, Imogen? How long can your heart endure such pain every single day? How long will you continue to sacrifice your own happiness for ours? How long can our pillar stand?"


Imogen sighed softly in relief after putting Love and Hope to sleep for the nth time. She kissed their foreheads and smiled lovingly at them.

"Sleep tight, my little Love and my little Hope."

Imogen's loving smile disappeared from her face, and was replaced with a frown as she turned around. She saw Hayley Marshall standing behind her with her arms crossed.

"They won't stop fighting, Imogen. They won't listen to me, or Aiden, or anyone." Hayley complained and sighed as she looked expectantly at her. "Well, anyone, but you."

Imogen sighed heavily. "Those two are acting more like little boys than grown men. I'll deal with them." she said and walked away from the nursery with Hayley following behind her.

Imogen and Hayley walked inside the second floor lounge of the compound to find Klaus Mikaelson and Jackson Kenner arguing.

"It's time to use our werewolf army. Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city. The wolves can help us pinpoint their location."

Jackson shakes his head in protest. "No, we need all hands on deck here with Love and Hope." he said as Klaus' eyes widen in annoyance. "I think you can compel humans to track your enemies."

"Do my ears deceive me? Or did you just give me an order? In my own home?" Klaus asked, sarcastically.

"This ain't about your ego, Klaus! It's about what's best for those two little girls." Jackson told him with seriousness in his voice.

Klaus glared at him. "How dare you question my intentions for my daughters!" he said angrily.

Hayley rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Hey!" she yelled at Klaus and Jackson.

Klaus and Jackson turned and saw the two Labonair Alphas glaring at them.

Imogen shakes her head in disbelief as she crossed her arms. "Niklaus! Jackson!" she said loudly with seriousness in her voice.


"Don't Imogen me!" Imogen said sternly as Klaus and Jackson's eyes widen, clearly taken aback. "I've put up with you two fighting early in the morning, but waking up Love and Hope from their sleep? I'm not letting this slide! They need rest. They were up all night because Hope was teething, and her cries woke Love."

Klaus and Jackson frowned slightly as they looked away from her. Hayley let out a deep sigh and stood beside Imogen with her arms crossed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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