•i'm not tricked into a date•

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Imogen Farien Avery stared blankly at the bloody corpse of one of the two witches that Hayley Marshall has killed leaning on the doorway of the compound's bathroom. She turned around and saw the brunette hybrid entering in her bloody clothes with blood running down her chin.

"Where did you and Nik go off to last night?"

Hayley looked up and smiled at the noirette. "Cauldron." she simply said.

Imogen raised an eyebrow. "And, what were you two doing there?" she asked again.

"Elijah wanted Klaus to help me with being a hybrid, so Klaus took me out. He wanted to find a witch to locate the missing white oak stake." Hayley answered as she prepared the bath.

Imogen frowned. "And how did you end up with two dead witches? One propped up against the fountain at the courtyard and another inside this bath." she said and glanced at the dead witch by the doorway.

"They didn't want to help and I was having a crappy day, so one thing led to another." Hayley said, shrugging.

Imogen furrowed her eyebrows at Hayley's behavior. "Elijah's gonna be so disappointed in you." she said quietly.

Hayley frowned as she turned to the noirette. "Why would he care?"

Imogen smiled softly. "I saw how you two had gotten close over the past months." she said.

Hayley's eyes widen and quickly looked away as Imogen sighed heavily.

"Anyways, I'm glad that you and Nik are getting along." Imogen said with a smile on her face. "You two are of the same specie, best if you two become close to help each other out."

Hayley quirk an eyebrow as she turned to her. "Like how it's the complete opposite with you two?" she said sarcastically.

Imogen's eyes widen as her smile faltered. "What?"

Hayley sighed and stood in front of the noirette. "It's so obvious, Imogen. Months before you shut everyone out, you and Klaus were inseparable. But now? You two are the complete opposite. You became the opposite as if you've built a wall around you to keep him out. I know something's wrong." she said with seriousness in her voice.

"I'm still grieving, Hayley." Imogen said.

Hayley shakes her head. "But so does, Klaus. Both of you are. But that's the right time you two should be helping each other, comforting each other, be there for each other." she told her before sighing. "I love you, Imogen and your decision to change for yourself but, uh, just never mind."

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