Ennard's Speech A Party With Animatronics and Humans

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Ennard: [walks on stage]
All: [cheering]
Ennard: [taps the mic] (Is this thing on? Ok!) [waves]
All: Yeah!/All right!/You go Dad!/Woo-hoo!/Look at you go!/This is awesome!
Ennard: Heh. Thanks for the comments. I have an announcement. Now the reason why I am up here is because this is our 5th anniversary here. Even though I apologize from last nights. But this isn't all about me, it's about everyone joying their days here! It's not a time for fear, it's time for a celebration. But be warned as I say this to each and last one of you. There is another night guard coming its way to ruin our plans. We are not going to help him or her, and that includes you Circus Baby! But never mind that, and have a party with full play time with kids and adults. Thank you for your time and I'll see you later.
All: [cheering] Yay!/You go Dad!/You're the best!/Thank you father!
Ennard: By the way, Ballora, come meet me in my room. [walks off stage]
Ballora: Yes Daddy... [goes away from her non-friends]

In Ennard's Malfunctioning Room.

Ballora: (I haven't been in here since I awoken in this place...)
Ennard: Ballora, pop a squat right next to me, in this chair.
Ballora: [walks slowly and sat on a chair next to Ennard, body and hands shaking]
Ennard: You all right? You don't look so well Ballora.
Ballora: I haven't been here in days so I'm panicking Daddy. I can't get comfortable.
Ennard: Is this room not fit for electronics and technologies? I can arrange that but my body doesn't have the piece to change things around, my daughter, I am very sorry to see you like this.
Ballora: It's all right Daddy!
Ennard: You've got that smile, what are you happy about?
Ballora: I'm so happy to be with you Daddy because you're the best Daddy in the world!
Ennard: Heh, yes I am. And Ballora, try to make some friends. But honestly, making friends with Circus Baby, I'll kill you!
Ballora: [gasp]
Ennard: You know I'm kidding right? Don't be afraid of me, I'm not going to hurt you, my daughter, I'll see you later.
Ballora: [looks at him and gets out the chair]
Ennard: And if they bullied you, let me know. I won't let them hurt you. Not if I'm asleep, sorry.
Ballora: Daddy...?
Ennard: Yes? [plugs his cords into the wall of the generator]
Ballora: Come back from that!
Ennard: Is something bothering you?
Ballora: I just need a hug... from you...
Ennard: [plugs his cords out the wall of the generator and walks out]
Ballora: [blushes and hugs him] I love you...
Ennard: I love you too Ballora. I will keep you alive- I won't let you die anywhere else but here. I will protect you.
Ballora: And I'll scream your name when needed... Daddy...!
Ennard: My daughter. I have to charge up now. Try to make friends.
Ballora: I try.
Ennard: [powers down]
Ballora: [giggles and walks out]

Ballora walks out of his room, took a deep breath and went to her stage. She gasped and saw everyone having a party. The humans and the animatronics are too. She went to her sisters, Minireenas, and do the music told her to do when dancing.

Bon-Bon: Your seat is waiting!!
F. Freddy: Thanks for the... money... and the thingy... Your seat... [yawns] Your seat is waiting... to be seated...
Bon-Bon: Bye bye! You're not having a good time! Cheer up!
F. Freddy: You need to have legs... I'm sick of you being a puppet for a hand... I don't like this at all, especially you as a hand...
Bon-Bon: Ennard's working hard for my legs! Be patient! Oh, hello! How may I serve you?
F. Freddy: Hmm, you look familiar... Have we met before...?
???: [tips hat] Hey, I am Goldie! And this is my boyfriend, the Marionette!
Bon-Bon: Hello Goldie! And Marionette! I haven't seen anything like it! Your order is?
Goldie: We are just looking around! And then we hit on out!
Bon-Bon: Ok! Insert your card here and move on!
Marionette: It's our first time being here!
F. Freddy: Wow! I'm amazed! Have you seen Darrel Duck? Have you been there before?
Marionette: (They're mean...)
Goldie: (Control your temper, I don't want them noticing...) Well I guess we failed our chances so we'll take off...
Lolbit: No, you can definitely come by! Here! Have a look around! Here's your card!
Goldie: Thank you! Your name?
F. Freddy: Her name is Lolbit...
Lolbit: No no, it's fine! If you ever need anything, let me know!
Goldie: Thanks! Let's go!

F. Foxy: [drinking booze] Ugh...

Goldie: We need to find what we're looking for! A estate agent!
Marionette: We never saw what he or she looks like!
Goldie: It's fine! We just need his or her name and get out!
Marionette: Ok! I believe in you Goldie!
Baby: [looks at Goldie and walks away]
Marionette: Miss! Can you help us?
Baby: What do you want with me?
Marionette: We're looking for a estate agent who owns this place!
Baby: Do you mean William Afton? He's dead! If you came here to shut it down then leave me out of it!
Marionette: Oh, ok, what is her problem with me? I just wanted to know where he's at...
Goldie: I can deal with it! Ok! [grabs her shoulder] Are you ok?
Baby: Get off me... Until I figure out why you are here... [shook him off and walks to Ennard's Room]
Goldie: This is how we do this! We try not to get caught during 6:00AM!
Marionette: Yes!!
Ballora: [stops dancing, looks at Goldie, and looks sad in her eyes]
Minireena: Big sis! Dance! So we won't get caught!
Ballora: Sorry!

The End!

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