Chapter Three - Bookstore

Start from the beginning


JiYeon took my right hand and held it tightly as she started dragging me to a store. I groaned loudly while thinking about the ways I was about to get tortured in here. I was asking God if it could take AT LEAST 5 hours.

It's not like it was the first time this was happening though. JiYeon and I have been in a shopping center for 8 hours once, that must've been the world record. It went really badly for me since I started thinking negatively right after I saw the line that we were suppose to wait just to buy ONE thing in a store.

So SeoHwa, you better don't think too much about this or you will create a problem that wasn't even there. I did a thumbs up mentally.

I started to look around my surroundings to find out that we were in a clothes store, and the name of the store is suppose to be Sandwich....

I started to look around my surroundings to find out that we were in a clothes store, and the name of the store is suppose to be Sandwich

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There weren't so many people in here, around 15.

JiYeon started choosing the clothes she liked and put them on her right shoulder so that she can try them out one by one in the changing room after she's done picking what's her taste.

I started humming a piano melody that I have played before while looking at the clothes. None of them were my style at all, I sighed trying to calm my emo self which was dying to think negative and shout at JiYeon for bringing us here.

"Hey SeoHwa, how does this look on me?" JiYeon asked, she was wearing a light blue blouse and a yellow unstructured jacket over it. She was also wearing dark blue long pants.

"It makes you look innocent, which we both know that you definitely aren't." I said smiling while winking at her.

She hit me with her bag playfully while I laughed.


We went to so many stores which were only clothes store. I only bought one outfit till now and it's been 3 hours 36 minutes and 23 seconds, yes I counted it.

I was planning on wearing the dress that I bought today when we were going to eat in a famous restaurant which the Lee family owned. I wasn't going to go easy on JiYeon like the last times, I was going to make sure that everything I wanted from the menu was going to be on the dinner table.

I was sulking down while me and JiYeon were walking up the stairs to the second floor of the shop, but my eyes grew wider in happiness as I saw a bookstore. JiYeon saw this and rolled her eyes as she smiled.

"You see Mango over there?" JiYeon pointed her index finger to another clothes shop which had a "MANGO" writing over it. "I'll be there while you're in the bookstore. Call me if you can't find me."

We separated like that.

I looked at the bookstore with shiny tearful eyes full with happiness. I went in dramatically and looked at my surroundings while smiling wildly.

Finally!! I've been here for 4 hours and I'm finally in a store that I love!!!

I took my time to look at every book that I found interesting by the cover or the title

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I took my time to look at every book that I found interesting by the cover or the title.

I read some pages of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, The Book Thief, the Help, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, All the Light We Cannot See and some more that I cant remember the names of.

The Secret Place, Tana French

Sounds like a murder mystery, I thought while smirking. I am a person who is really interested in murder mystery's, I found them cool. It made me curious and want me to read even more. And I did learn so many new things while reading these kind of books.

I didn't bother finding a chair to sit down as I started reading it, not moving an inch from where I was standing.

I concentrated all of my attention on the book wishing that I had a coffee to drink right now. The musty, woody smell filling my nose as I could hear the faint sounds of people chatting outside the library with the mix of many footsteps moving along with the sound.


"I freaking swear that I'm killing them all if I'm the one who gets the search for our leader's precious book ever again." a small growl came out of the young artist's mouth while he began cursing in annoyance.

He had been searching the whole bookshelf's for half an hour and couldn't find the book that he needed to find. He was about to kick a bookshelf, but soon noticed that someone else was here.

His eyes traveled down to the book she was reading, you must be kidding me!


"Excuse me lady." he tapped her shoulder softly to catch her attention. She turned her head to face him as she finished the sentence she was reading. They both widened their eyes in shock, SeoHwa closed her book knowing that this talk could be big.

The young artist looked at her hands while she closed the book, his eyes widened even more after seeing his own ring on her index finger.

I guess his members were telling the truth after all.

A smirked was plastered on his face as he continued talking. "You know what they say, what's meant to be will always find a way" his smirk growing wider.

Where was this energy even coming from? And since when did he become such a flirt?

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